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Difficulty with DSL Modem

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Im having an issue with connecting via remote thru a dsl modem. i have a linksys router that i have opened the ports for the dvr to connect, however the dsl modem has built in software utilities aswell. i had disabled the modems features and did a DMZ on it since linksys has its security features built in already, but it still wont connect. Does the internal ip of the modem have to be the same as the linksys router ? would that make a difference ??



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modem needs to be bridged to the router (call modem tach support to change it)

router needs to be set as per your modem tech support. ie:dynamic ip, static ip, ect.


until you bridge the modem overe to the router it may not work properly....and, once set to bridge you should not have to set the router to DMZ, just open the ports your need opened. DMZ is opening a port WIDE open with no abilitiy to restrict.


and, if your running XP Pro SP2 disable the software firewall as you have it built into the linksys.....if properly set up.

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I'm not quite sure what you mean by bridging the router to the modem.


I have a Linksys router as well that is giving me problems. It seems to lock up every now and then which requires a power cycle in order to correct the situation. Which is a real problem when someone has to go to the location in order to reset the router.


I am about ready to remove a router from a system as it seems to be more problems than it's worth. I will set up a software firewall to give me some protection. The Linksys model WRT54G seems to have a lot of problems as far as requiring a lot of power recycles. At least with the last two that I have purchased.


How many of you are using a router with your DVR's? Are many of you not using a router because of the same issues that I am having?

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For low cost solution, use Edimax routers and you won't have any issues with the Geo systems. Have sold over 100 units and they just work period. D-Stink and the other Best Buy home networking types are made for exactly that...home networking (kids PC and Dad's laptop via wireless, thats about it).



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D-Stink. But LinkSys is made by the Cisco Kid. Should be good.


I will look into that. I never heard of that brand, but I haven't heard about a lot of stuff that isn't name brand. (Reffering to the Edimax of course)



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