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Help Requested: Residential System ($2000-2500 Budget)

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Budget: $2000-2500 *****including professional installation*****


Hi. Although I have been researching and learned a bit, I am not knowledgeable in this area. I just want a good CCTV system for my home. Basically, what I need is the best possible system I can afford.


I have been trying to find a complete system on my own, but every time I think I have one narrowed down, I will read a bad review on it, or a bad review of the brand....


I was going to buy a Swann, then read negative comments about the quality. I'm not against buying a Swann now, just a bit unsure.


Things that are important to me are:


1. DVR; 1080p quality video with no choppiness/lag, if possible. I'd like to be able to easily read (live) and record a license plate in my driveway.


2. 4 quality, weatherproof cameras capable of very good to excellent night vision (absolute min 50 feet). Note: I don't see any reason why I will need to expand beyond 4 cameras.


3. Ability to access live and recorded from the internet, phone, etc.


NOTE: I do not necessarily need to buy a packaged system.


Any help from somebody who knows more about this stuff than me would be greatly appreciated. I just need to be pointed in the right direction... a few links to some systems that fit my requirements would be awesome. There have been burglaries in the area and I'd like to get the system installed ASAP. I am in the Seattle, Washington area.



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Your looking for an NST HD-SDI system. No lag 1080p images at full 30fps 4ch with 4 vandal domes and 1TB for $2100 shipped. Have in my home.

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From what I've seen from professional installers, your budget would easily include 2 analog cameras and a DVR. Yes, $300 worth of equipment, the rest is labor and profit. Figure closer to $5K for 4 name brand analog cameras and a name brand NVR installed. Also depends on neighborhood and competition. Resolution these days would be 700 TVL.


Go with IP cameras and it would easily double in price but the resolution would dramatically go up, mostly 3MP-5MP is common these days with 1080P and 720P being the lower end.


When you say read a license plate, do you mean during the day or at night also and is this dedicated for this purpose or is this going to be the main camera for your driveway? What's the lighting like on your driveway? Is this reading a plate at night on a car with headlights on or off?


Most DVRs or NVRs would have smartphone apps and remote access to live and recorded video.


Could not see the item you have in your link to the Swann site. But buying it ahead of time without an installer may not be the best idea. The reason is that you are shifting the responsibility to yourself. If a cameras breaks, they will not come and warranty it, all up to you to deal with. Where if they sold you a complete working system, they would be liable for warrantying the cameras. That's why many installers will not install something you bought.

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