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nuuo nvr.

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Hey Guy's,


First post. I have a friend of mine that has a nuuo titan nvr and 23 acti (kcm3311) cams and 1 vivoek outdoor cam. He is using the nuuo software that came with nvr but it only allows you to view 16 at a time unless we are doing something wrong. The license for the others is very expensive. We are trying to keep costs down if we can.


I was wondering if you guy's had some idea's of the best way to go so we could look/rec at the other cams all at the same time.


Thanks for any help in advance.


BTW this site is great.

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There is no way to get around the license fees. You can set each camera up to record to an SD card, and then flip flop them in the display as needed, or you can get something low cost like Blue Iris ($50 for the full version) but that may have a few limitations. If live viewing is your main concern, that is a pretty reasonable option.

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Thanks for the reply. Yes the live view is big but are you saying i couldn't wipe the drives clean on the nvr and use the blue iris also to direct the records to nvr?


Thanks for your help.

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