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Look forward to learning from everyone

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I am going to be on here very often. I very much desire to learn about this trade, and I have done all my training so far by myself, even though I've been trying very hard to find a real life mentor for this industry. I think that my passion for what we do and motivation to succeed are going to be a huge asset to anyone that would take the time to teach someone to be an installer, and technically proficient on specifics of IP surveillance. For now, I'll be searching through a lot of this forum to find answers.


Thank you, and I look forward to working with you.

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NOt sure if anyone would take their time to teach you to be their competitor. Its best just to get a job as installer first so you can train on the job in different enviroments before going solo. Or just pay someone for you to hang out with them for a week to help out.

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