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Dsp menu option help

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I have a cheap 700tvl no brand camera which to be fair has been working fine for a while now

After tinkering with the settings I have noticed that in the dsp menu there is a lens setting with the options for


Lens ---> manual ----> DC indoor ----> DC outdoor


Can somebody explain what these options mean


As the logic makes believe that indoor would be for indoor use and outdoor for outdoor use


But I have found that the manual and dc outdoor give a poorer picture than dc indoor


What I mean by this is if using dc outdoor or manual the pictur quality is very noisy and grainy (blocky) and looks poor compared to dc indoor which gives a clean and crisp image with virtually no noise


Also whilst on this subject I have had a issue with the day night switching

I have a street light right outside my house which is only about 10feet from the camera this prevents the camera with default settings switching to b&w at night

Could anyone also suggest a starting point to try the day night setting it can be adjusted from 0-255



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