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can not get into th eSetup wizard

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Hi ther

i am new to this CCTV.

i just got a 8 channel Nexsus

it is running linux.

that much i know, and then it all stops

i powered it up with 1 camera connected, so i could setup the network

but when i powered it up it shows a welcome screen and then it goes to show the feed from the camera

but it swaps channel every 10 sec or so.

and no wizard comes up as the manual says

there is no hard drive connected


any suggestion son what to do



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Sounds like either:


1. your dwell option is on, so that it is switching every 10 seconds.

2. you are seeing the video through the spot out port.


There is usually a setting to turn on and off the start up wizard under General Settings or Basic Settings.


Can you try to default your DVR? Or just manually set up the machine without the wizard?

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