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Playback PSS?

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I have a Dahua 16ch hybrid 960h. Is it possible to playback using Extra Stream instead on the Main Stream in PSS over WAN?


I see the option for main or extra during live preview but can't figure out how to do it during playback.


We have a slow internet connection at the dvr location. I also dont want to lower the encode settings for the main stream.




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It is possible; but you must also record the extra stream, by default it is not being recorded.


You can easily choose what recordings to search for from the web interface, either main stream or extra stream. I am sure it can also be done easily from PSS.

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My recording for extra stream was off. I have turned it on now.


I still can't figure out how to playback extra stream though pss.


I see it in the web service though





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You can easily choose what recordings to search for from the web interface, either main stream or extra stream. I am sure it can also be done easily from PSS.


Well, guess I was wrong... I do not see how to do it from PSS. Dahua, sometimes I hate your software soooo much...

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Weird right? We have high speed cable so I never had a need. Plus I don't use playback on my phone either. Plus it takes up even more hard drive space. This is the first time I checked it out in pss. Can't see any way to do it. Thank goodness for web service.

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Well, you can actually playback the substream from PSS, you just can not search just main stream or substream recordings; you will get them all.


I activated the extra stream recording yesterday on one of my cameras, and now when I search the recordings I have two recordings on each event. The bigger one is the main stream, the smallest one the extra stream. So we can playback the extra stream recording from PSS, but there is just no easy way for searching just the kind of recording you want, like there is on the web interface.


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How about in web brower? Is it possible to playback the extra stream in Internet explorer?


Yes, it is easier to do it from IE, you can just search for the extra stream recordings.


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Mindtwist your tips have helped out alot, thanks!


I do see the extra streams in pss and internet explorer now.


But seems like I have to download to play the file.


I dont want to have to do this. I would like to playback the extra stream right from explorer and/or the pss.


Is this possible?



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I am unable to get to the screen that you posted.


This is what I see when I click playback in internet explorer.


I wonder if my dvr has a different web interface then yours.


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I ended up using Smart PSS and I am now able to play my extra stream.


So for anyone having this problem, here is the link for smart pss https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&ved=0CCwQFjAA&url=https%3A%2F%2Fdl.dropboxusercontent.com%2Fs%2F3uidyx8b81qqdlf%2FSmart-PSS_Eng_IS_V1.00.7.R.20131119.zip%3Fdl%3D1%26token_hash%3DAAEPG_ilHFd6qepG7yyMTxo6F99NlHnUx58jFz1N_WBmBg&ei=GkgDU7LvE46DogTQ44DgAw&usg=AFQjCNEA9bTBWaLV-SmaWj9v8fyuaahRsg&sig2=haLnhpPzafT_etqscBmvhw


Once you launch the program just click playback and then choose assist on the top right and the channel number.


Hope this helps anyone that was in the same boat as me.

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