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Advice needed for choosing DVR

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Hi all.

My shop got broken into a few days ago and the thief stole the dvr machine so I could not access the recorded video. Now I have to replace the dvr but I wanted to upgrade the system so this doesn't happen again. I looked around for some mangocam or dropcam type remote recording services, but I realized I had to sacrifice video quality quite a bit and I don't think the internet connection at my shop is fast enough for this. I have a few questions:


1) If I change all my cameras to IP Cams, are there DVRs that support wireless recording that I can even hide somewhere(maybe in the ceiling) so that a thief can't simply follow the cable and locate the DVR?

2) If so, since it will only use local network connection, would the picture quality be as good as wired recording?

3) What other solutions could there be? I'm open to all suggestions and advices.


I'm still newbie in this area and I could really use some expert advices.

Thanks alot for reading.

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My shop got broken into a few days ago and the thief stole the dvr machine so I could not access the recorded video. Now I have to replace the dvr but I wanted to upgrade the system so this doesn't happen again.


1) Your DVR needs to be hidden, do not just leave it on plain sight.

2) If you want to feel more secure; install 2 units. The real DVR hidden, the "fake" unit on plain sight. It can be a non working DVR, a crap DVR that doesn't even have a HD installed, and old unit, a deffective one, etc. Just make sure it seems real and is connected like a real DVR (powered on, with BNC cables oconnected, etc).


If you get broken into, once the thiefs steal the fake DVR, they will not be looking for any other units.

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You could also get a lockbox for Dvr's and bolt that down. It's also a good idea to install one camera at the Dvr looking out to get a perfect mug shot, and then enable motion detection to send email for that channel. Then you get an email of a perfect mug shot that they can't steal. It also helps identify anyone who may be noodling with the Dvr as well.



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You have a few options..


1) You could upgrade your Internet connection then configure the DVR on motion detect to start uploading the data to a FTP server located on the web.

2) Use a long USB cable and stash a USB drive in the ceiling.





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