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In urgent need of a home system. Need help picking parts

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Hey everyone, The fiancé and I bought our first house and close on it March 21. This past Thursday someone broke in to it and stole the dishwasher. More than likely it is someone that works for on the subcontractors. This is a brand new house in a brand new subdivision. I know it is not uncommon, once people move in it will stop. Or it is just a isolated incident.


Short story, I'm a firearms instructor and thus have firearms which are stored in a nice safe. My concern is having a system (alarm and video) while I am away. Alarm I think I got picked out but video is something I'm not sure of because I know zero about it.


Must have:

Going to use 5 to 6 cameras. NVR needs to be 8 channel


Dome cameras (look better and not a eye sore and less obvious per say)



on board SD would be nice (not a must have, but nice to have)

IR out to 80-90+feet.

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The best bang for the buck is the Hikvision ds-2cd2732f-is. Meets all your requirements except the IR part as no dome I know of does that. To get true 80-90', I would recommend a separate illuminator and what would give you the results you expect, the Raytec RM200 or maybe you can get away with an RM100 if the angle is narrow enough. Get a model that has the spread you want, for example, if you set the camera to a 60 degree viewing angle, then get the version that has a 60 degree light spread. The camera is about $400ish for the US version, about $259 for the Chinese version. The Illuminator is about 3-4 times that price.


What city/area are you in?

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