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HIKVISION DS-2CD2732F-IS Audio on failed

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I just installed a 3,5mm jack to the audio in cables and connected my mp3 player to see, if I get an input sound. Problem is, that when I try to active the sound in the live view, I get a popup error saying "Audio on failed".


Also when I try to use different audio encoding settings, it always goes back to the default one.


Any ideas what could be the problem? Complete reset to default settings did not solve it.

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ok so after disconnecting the camera over night, the audio in can be enabled again. i also hear the live audio when i activate it in the live view. the problem is, that it seems not to be recorded or at least it cannot be played. VLC tells me that there is an audio track, but i hear nothing.


The default audio encoding setting is: G.711ulaw


I would like to change it to something else like MP2L2. When I do that and click "save". Everything seems to be ok, but when I go to another setting and come back to audio, it's on G.711ulaw again.


Any ideas?

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update: audio is working now with MP2L2 encoding settings. I'm not 100% sure what was the solution, but it seems that it was the because the network settings where on "auto". i switched them to 100M full duplex and suddenly i can save the audio settings.



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I'm glad you figured it out. Here is some additional helpful information.


By default VLC Media Player can only play the audio when you have recorded with MP2L2 encoding. Hikvision has there own player caller VS Player, which you should use for video playback of recorded video. VS Player plays all the types of audio encoding, the video plays better and you have additional controls such as digital zoom, video clipping, snapshot and continuous snapshots. You can download VS Player from Hikvision's website: http://www.hikvision.com/en/us/download_more.asp?id=1130


Additionally, you need to be sure that you have selected to record "Video&Audio" in the video settings of the camera.

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