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Need help catching illegal dumpers

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Hi there everyone new member here!!! We live off dirt roads and have a problem with people coming in the middle of night and illegally dumping trash. It ranges from trimmed bushes, to household trash, to even dumping marijuana grow operations. They literally are dumping chopped down weed plants and the used indoor grow equipment. A police report did absolutely nothing.


I really want to catch these freaking guys. So im looking for a battery/solar powered camera that will work decent at night time with no lighting. Im sort of picturing a hunters game camera that snaps a pic or video when the motion detector got off.


There are plenty of great spots to hide the camera. My goal is to ultimately get a picture of a license plate. But even just getting a picture of the truck would be good enough. I would then print out the picture and then post it around town with an email address saying if you recognize this truck please contact.


Any advice would be much appreciated.

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I have. Even posted on another forum a year ago but i cant remember the name. Found this one which looks pretty good. At the time there wasnt much that would take a picture at night without the person seeing a flash or red light. There was one unit, i forget the name, but i remember it was $500. That was a bit high.


Hoping some newer/cheaper technology is out. Even a cheap chinese clone i would be ok with. Because if the dumpers notice the camera its a goner. I thought about multiple cheaper cameras. I dont have a clue whats available. I could spend weeks google researching. Or hopefully people who know all about this stuff can just lay me out real quick. Blast off a couple names of companies or cameras i should look into.


Needs to run off DC and handle wet locations. I would even be fine using a big ole car battery and a voltage regulator if people do mods like that. Also needs to take a picture at night without being detected.


Can anyone give me a jump start on possible models? Or is taking a picture at night without being detected still not an option in an under $500 camera? There are no street lights so it would need night vision. Sounds cool to me!!

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Im not sure a hunting camera is the best bet. Because theyre not worried about a deer seeing a red light and getting scared away. I need something designed with the intent to catch humans in a stealth fashion.


I checked out the one you linked. I dont know anything about them. Watching the video i see the red light. Can i put a piece of tape over that? Or is that a sensor i need to leave exposed?


I dont know squat about these things. Doing a google search is not going to help me much cause its a bunch of terms and specs i dont understand.


Whats with those LED looking things i see on a hunting camera?

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Its looking like the LEDs are an InfraRed flash. That wont work.


Does a hunting camera or security camera exist that doesnt need a flash to see at night?

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The red led only blinks when configuring the camera. The IR leds are 940nm. The camera will be as stealth as you are able to hide it. There is no flash.

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Wow if that one on DX is as good as the specs state that is a GREAT deal! The only consideration on that is the lens. You will want to have that camera within 20 feet of them to get a good detail on them and their truck. I would get two or three of them and set them at different viewing angles to mitigate the possibility of headlights screwing up the image. You could go get those green metal pickets from Tractor Supply and mount the camera to that just about anywhere you want. Camouflage it however you see fit and you are off to the races.

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Thanks everyone!!! Someone came with a full blown dump truck last night and left a huge pile.


Need2Shave that is the camera i looked at a year ago!! Thanks for the link i couldnt remember the name, but i recognize it.


MindTwist are you saying the DX camera you linked will NOT produce a flash at night? I have bushes i can hide the camera in. Just need something to take a picture of the truck when it drives down the road at night with headlights on.


I hear you guys about setting up multiple cameras. Really need to finally make a purchase. Should i get the $700 reconyx......or several cheaper cameras?


edit: Does the red light come on to configure the camera every single time a new car drives by? Or just when you first power up the unit?

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  wopachop said:
MindTwist are you saying the DX camera you linked will NOT produce a flash at night? I have bushes i can hide the camera in. Just need something to take a picture of the truck when it drives down the road at night with headlights on.


It does not show any lights. No blinking led. The IR leds can not be seen. On a dark place, you can have the unit two feet in front of your face, and you won't even notice it.

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Don't expect a plate with an IR flash hunting camera. Not saying it's not possible but I've never seen one that'd do it. Exposure settings are usually fixed and unchangeable or automatic and unchangeable and that'll make the plate completely white. Also, the video setting might be a better option than snapshot unless you put in more than one camera. I've used hunting cams for security before and it's a bit of a crapshoot as far as getting a decent pic of someone passing the gamecam. With most, you basically get one shot as they're moving past, or one shot at the start of the action and then the cam usually waits a while until it'll trigger again. Don't put them on the side of a road looking across if you want vehicle shots either, particularly if the cam is reasonably close to the road. The vast majority of cams will fire after the vehicle has passed. I'd probably recommend placing two or three midrange cams before buying one expensive cam unless you KNOW where they're going to be within 10 feet or so and don't mind the chance of them finding your one possibility of catching them.

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can you make a picture of locations to building etc pm me if you dont want the map public, but ill take a look myself if you want at solutions but need some map picture info first like locations and layouts etc.

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How about you install a security camera like this?

It is black and small, you can install it in the dark place, it can detect any motion and take the picture and then send it directly to your phone whenever you are! Very simple to use.


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  wopachop said:
Hi there everyone new member here!!! We live off dirt roads and have a problem with people coming in the middle of night and illegally dumping trash. It ranges from trimmed bushes, to household trash, to even dumping marijuana grow operations. They literally are dumping chopped down weed plants and the used indoor grow equipment. A police report did absolutely nothing.


I really want to catch these freaking guys. So im looking for a battery/solar powered camera that will work decent at night time with no lighting. Im sort of picturing a hunters game camera that snaps a pic or video when the motion detector got off.


There are plenty of great spots to hide the camera. My goal is to ultimately get a picture of a license plate. But even just getting a picture of the truck would be good enough. I would then print out the picture and then post it around town with an email address saying if you recognize this truck please contact.


Any advice would be much appreciated.

How about you install a security camera like this? HERE : www.chinavasion.com/jfxi-SurveillanceSecurity/

It is black and small, you can install it in the dark place, it can detect any motion and take the picture and then send it directly to your phone whenever you are! Very simple to use.


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Hi everyone back again. Ended up buying 2 IR game cameras from ebay. I messed around with location but was not able to get a decent picture or video. Camouflaging was more difficult than expected. The motion detection is what gave me trouble. I would get a lot of false triggers from bushes in the wind, or the vehicle headlights would set it off premature.


I mounted the cameras to a metal landscape stake, spray painted it with non reflective "camo" paint, used branches and leaves to form a fake bush, in the end one of my cameras was found and stolen. I think it was a neighbor and not a dumper that took it because it happened between 10am-noon.


Now i would like to try a different approach with a continuously running video camera that is placed

50 feet away and still records in the dark. Does that go beyond the capabilities of the IR cameras? Im wondering if i can use a "home" system and power it off car batteries with a voltage regulator. Possibly use a small solar panel to keep them charged. I would dig a hole and put the equipment in a plastic container. If i can get video from 50 feet away, then i can choose a location that should not be discovered.

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You could post a solar light to trigger at the road as they enter lighting the vehicle and use a separate battery powered camera or a separate battery and ir illuminator and several cameras pointed at that lighted location. Light might make them pause for a good shot. but I would definitely separate the illuminator from the camera location to secure the camera location. you will need several batteries. Realize that ir will not give true color where a solar powered flood light will. how far are you from any power source? IR illuminators are relatively cheap, as are lower res long range cameras with 5 -50 mm lens. I would focus it on only the width of the rd. pick up the back of the vehicle will give better luck on plate reading and low angle also to cut head light glare. possibly put light source on one side of road to focus attention there and camera without ir further back or and/or on the opposite side. hide camera and power in stump, etc. or tree. any curves in path? catch them as they come around it. good luck

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A full dump truck of trash! Bummer.... I guess I would start off by filing a report with the local PD or sheriff and ask them to do a drive by at night if they can. Or install some type of gate first to keep folks out. Maybe do some overnight surveillance of your own? If all that fails then I would do some type of road entrapment device that tears the crap out of tires! ROAD SPIKES...


I have used the Hunting cameras and they are only good for short ranges and have rough quality, they are great for hog pens but that is about it.


Good luck finding what you need and keep us posted on your capture rate!

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