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Purchasing hikvision system, please recommend a nvr

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Hey guys going to run 3 3mp turrets and need a nvr.... Ideally the 4ch Poe unit would be great but it's max incoming data rate is 20mbps.... Is that going to be enough if all 3 cameras are recording at 3mp resolution?

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Confirm the max bitrate for those cameras you have or will buy. Running at max bit rate (but still at 3MP resolution) might be too much.

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What is bitrate and why is more better?


You know how when you watch streaming video it starts kind of "blocky" and then gets clear after a bit? That is the bitrate changing. Higher the number (to a point) the better the video will look.


The absolute highest bitrate my 3MP hikvision bullet can send, at least according to specs, is 16Mbps. That's one camera. I don't run them that high because higher bitrates eat storage like crazy so I keep it lower (4-8Mpbs). If you used the same bitrate as I do for your 3 cameras that's 12Mbps-24Mbps; that's over what you're NVR can do.

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So do you find anything more then the 4-8 Mbps bitrate doesn't improve quality?


What recording setup do you use for your hikvision cameras?


That's a choice you will have to make. Or if you buy that hardware, your decision will be made by the limits of that hardware.


I use hikvision cameras + hikvision's free iVMS-4200 software running on a PC.

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20 Mbit per second is the max bit rate that the chip set employed can handle with its embedded CPU. The reading & parsing will be done by the CPU. Of course it was tested and confirmed with real video sequences. 8 Mbps is good for 3 MP camera, maintaining studio quality, though depending on the scene content. But note CCTV is not a movie at all. The contents are mostly static and not changing much. You may try with a couple of days experiment, yourself. If you do not like video quality, just give more bits. You may go for variable bit rate option which gives almost constant video quality according to a given quantization parameter.

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You don't mind running the PC 24/7?




You can check out power usage for an i7 that I use above. I compared it to an ARM powered dedicated NVR system. A fully loaded "power efficient" NAS would use the same or more power.


The PC isn't really doing anything beyond idling so there is no real strain. i3/i5

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