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Hi, and thanks for the forum!

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HI all,

We maintain several multi-camera systems in leased garage (repair type garages) and connected office spaces.

The systems are relatively inexpensive KGuard sha-104 and 108 system, but they seem to work quite well.

Several cams are remote wireless with custom 2.4 Ghz one-way links (no PTZ control or audio), and some of the cams are 700 line rez (not true HD, but they look great and record very well) - some have 100 foot IR night lighting (large clusters of IR LEDS) that work pretty good - in fact, better than I thought they would.


We have some false motion-detection issues (spider webs and some type of bugs start recording and alarms sometimes (this is FLorida - land of the Palmetto Bugs - kind of like Mutant Roaches the size of Volkwagon Beetles) - but we're getting it figured out (mostly trial and error).

They had a company put most of the systems in and they went under and disappeared (not sure why, but we are kind of "in the sticks" if you know what I mean, so that may be it), anyway - building maintenance picked up video maintenance. Probably better off for now.

So a BIG THANKS for the VERY USEFUL forum! We appreciate it a whole bunch. There is lots of good info here, and we will try to help where and when we can, but mostly we are takers (learning) right now, but we will get more proficient as time goes by (we hope) and help as we can to pay back the help/info we get. We do electronic maintenance on some items (radios and some other coms-related stuff - microwave, wireless networks with bridge and access points, etc.) here and we have a shop with a tech who has a well stocked electronics bench with meters, generators, power supplies, o-scopes, spectrum analyzers, radio tech gear, and some more sophisticated stuff (whatever it is) - for who knows what else all they work on.


WE REALLY DO APPRECIATE THE FORUM! (can't say that too often )



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