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Advise on new setup

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Hi Guys,


First post, but thought I'd jump straight into it


I'm looking at investing in a new CCTV system for my home. At the moment I have some cheap unbranded 8 channel DVR with a swann PTZ camera, 2 normal swann pro-525 cameras and 3 cheap cctv cameras to fill in the gaps.


I am quite impressed with the Swan cameras, they seem to be fairly good quality but what I'm looking at in an overhaul:


[*] I would like to keep the 8 channels or maybe upgrade to 16 (if the price/features are right).

[*] I would like 1 more PTZ camera (making two in total - one at the front one at the back of the house)

[*] I would love to have the ability for the PTZ cameras to follow moving targets, but my house is at the roadside, so maybe with a boundary if possible?


The features on the DVR are really important, I do view my cameras a fair bit using either my iPhone or webpage. I am partially deaf so use it quite a bit for monitoring my front door etc. I am hoping to use my old cameras/DVR to keep an eye on my new chickens, so anything that I cant reuse will be going to another use.


Any recommendations on equipment, suppliers or setup is more than welcome (Im UK based for the suppliers bit). Sorry to pile it all in one post





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