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Hi. A little background. We have a DVR running hybrid ndvr in one building that has SDI connection going into it and I've just bought a used AXIS 241S Analogue to IP encoder so we can have one of the coax cameras in another building be seen from the other building as with hybrid ndvr, you can add in IP cameras. I've installed the Axis encoder and I've plugged the coax camera into the "In" port of the encoder and from the "out" port back into the DVR and the DVR does see the video feed as it always has but when I try and access the Axis web interface, I keep getting a "No Video" on either "Motion JPEG" or "MPEG-4" through any browser. Would anyone know what could be causing this? It does have the latest firmware version. Here are the some of the options in screenshots.













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You are getting the no motion warning on the DVR? I wonder if the NVR is having issues dealing with the Axis stream. How do you have it defined in the NVR, it is listed as a camera or as an encoder?

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Is it set up like this? If so, did you allow for the Axis plug in to be loaded on your machine? Do you have any pop-up blockers that may have prevented it from loading?





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Hi Ssnapier. Here is my diagram.





At the moment, we havn't got to the NDVR as yet. It's connected to the standalone DVR and recording correctly. I've had a look online for any Axis Plugins and have installed the "Axis Media Control" for MPEG-4 media but that hasn't resolved anything and have also tried installing "Axis Media Control SDK". When I do a google search for "intitle:”Live View / – AXIS 210″" I can see those cameras just fine.






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Update: So I tried plugging in one of the older analogue cameras into the Axis, it started working straight away in the web browser but when I plugged the HD camera back in again, it's back to "No Video" :S

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Could the older and the newer cameras be different video formats (PAL vs. NTSC)? Perhaps the Axis doesn't recognize the Newer HD camera video format?

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What type of HD camera do u have ?


None will work with Axis Analog encoder

Just read your post

looks like u connecting HD-SDI to Encoder

Not going to work

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Don't think you can turn an HD SDI camera into an IP camera...yet


if your HD SDI camera has a analog port or analog cable running out of it, try to connect that to your encoder, if it works, then you know the encoder doesn't support HD SDI


Most HD SDI has a analog cable for connecting to test monitors or to connect to a TV as a spot monitor.

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