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nvr build or buy??

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Hello all


I am trying to build a system for my home, and thought I knew a little about this stuff, because I have built a pc based dvr system from scratch before(about ten years ago though), but from the research I have done lately, I'm not sure if my previous experience will benefit me in todays IP based camera systems. I have convinced myself that the nvr is the heart of these new systems, and that it will be the major limiting factor on flexibility of my system while the cameras will largely dictate the quality. If this is a reasonable assumption, then what I really need to know is what the difference between a store bought nvr and one I can build really is. specifically:


If i buy an nvr would it use some linux based operating system?

If I build one can I get around having to buy a windows os?

What parts would i need?

Is it just a pc with something like an nvr card or multiple ethernet cards?

would software like blue iris control record frame rates, and would record speeds/encryption be limited on a inexpensive store bought nvr?

if I bought a 4ch nvr, could I piggyback a 2nd one to add more cameras?


Sorry in advance for my lack of technical knowledge and mis-use of terminology. still trying to learn the language.



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In many ways I'd say go with an embedded nvr. To build a decent pc based nvr will definitely cost more.


A pc based nvr doesn't have any special capture card like dvrs do but you'd want to build it to a decent spec. You'd also want a decent size hard drive for file storage (but that's kinda obvious)

And then there's setup of the needed software whether it be blueiris or one of the many others.

The nvr software will allow you to set up framerate and all that.

There's always some limit, whether its a pc based or embedded nvr.


Embedded nvrs just pretty much work from the get go.

One of the main limits is that they are limited ti a certain number of cameras like a dvr. So if you're planning 4 cameras, you may wanna get an 8 input.

Another limit is that all camera brands and models may not play nice with it so you may wanna pick an nvr by a company whose cameras you plan on using.

If you go with a 4 channel embedded nvr and decide you'd lime to add more, adding another nvr is not the most eligant way.

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Thanks for the 411


So basically what I'm getting from your response is that a pc based nvr would mean I would have to build a full tilt pc with windows os and then load some nvr software. if that's the case, how would I connect the cams? a managed poe switch?


If that's the case then that would easily cost 1k or more...ouch


could you recomend a good 8 channel embedded nvr? I would like to try out different cams, so one that has good flexibility for many different brands would be key



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You can do without a managed switch but would typically want to use a Poe switch unless you plan on powering the cameras through power supplies.

They're may be Linux based solutions but I'm not in the know on that as I typically install commercial pc based servers with Windows Server or 7 installed.


I'd say your best bet would be to look at hikvision and Dahua as they both have many choices for nvrs and cameras. Some of their nvrs have built in Poe switches just be ware that some may be 8 ports with only 4 of them having Poe.

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