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Looking for a better mousetrap...

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Can anyone offer a little insight regarding a "real world" comparison of GE's DVMRE Pro DVR and Dedicated Micros' DS2 or DVIP? I have been using the GE (Kalatel) product for a while now and am quite comfortable with it but would like to know if anyone has found a "better bang for their buck" with another manufacturer... I know Rory always says "you get what you pay for" and with all the manufacturer's bla-bla-bla out there it's hard to keep up with what specifications and functionality are being offered and really make a difference to customers.


Thanks... Russ

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I don't know who you purchase your product through but my suppliers will always send me demo's, this allows me to play with everything from Cameras, DVR's, Lenses, etc...


There is actually some more than decent budget type DVR equipment available on the market, you just have to decide what fits your customers.

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ive used/installed a DVIP and i hated it.


Its not as good as their DVRs, though still for the price, the GE is better than the DM on this side of the globe.


Either way, you wont notice any great differences between them without switching out to a decent PC DVR . ..

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In the States Dedicated Micros are priced competitvely with GE stuff, and the DM Ecco 9 is substantially less than anything from GE in the 8-9 channel category.


Also IMOP GE's website and dealer support suck when compared to DM. I've been asking the GE local rep for assistance for months and keep getting ignored. Can't even get some cutsheets from them. DM's local rep will do trade shows with me, help with a job, and provide on site tech support for a problem job. I don't abuse the privilege but it's nice to know they are there if I need it.

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last i checked they were a few hundred more than the GE.


Either way the IP model is horrible, and cost more than a 16 channel DVR.

The others i could "live" with but would never purchase. I felt like i was on a Linux PC system, while compared to the GE ... which felt rock solid from boot up. I dont really even deal with the GE or any in that price range anymore, just from experience (PC is Duty free - the stand alones cost big $$ in duty)


I never need dealer support though so cant comment there, but GE

has been decent in the past, just dont try to call them. ..


Their new site does suck, they have the cut sheets there, just not as

easy to navigate now. .. if you need any let me know ..

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I want to try some more GE's (I used a Digia-4 and was very happy with it), just that Corporate GE is user unfriendly. If they came out with a Digia-8 priced at $1000-$1500 that would be awesome.


I went to ISC East last summer and GE wasn't there (neither was DM for that matter). I might have to look at Ademco stuff again, at least they take dealer support seriously.

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I use a dvr made by IC Realtime, They make two different models Proview and Flexview. The pro is as good as i have ever seen but not the cheapest in the industry but worth every penny. They also have the Flex which you get alot of bang for your buck. They make it in 4-8-and 16 ch. It is very feature rich.


2.built in Sony CD burner

3.up to 4 terr of internal storage with external raid- that will hold anther 12 drives

4.mouse interface

5.embedded Linux OS

You can see the specs on their site. Look under DVRS and then Flex series. They are very well priced for what you get and the service is top notch.


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You didnt see the price yet hey

4 times the price of Pano ... Ademco Video that is ..


That is no joke! Nothing special to show for it either.

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DId you see Honeywell is doing a Korean Line now also, cheaper, but still its all just OEM from Korea ...

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I would think that an Ademco product, even if it isOEM, is more polished that most of the other stuff out there.


Better software, better documentation instead of Chiglish and buggy software. I would think they test their DVRs on a wide variety of OS's & PC's.


Can't say for sure as I haven't tried one.

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nah, its just an OEM setup, nothing anymore special than what everyone else is doing, thats why you pay for the line that sais Ademco Video on it, which is mostly OEM also but rebadged and a different line .. the Honeywell Korean line is "pure" OEM ..

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