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Outside camera setup help.

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Im using some decent cameras for outside security @ the business I work for. Outside Im using SCB-3000's from Samsung, which seemed pretty adequate for what we needed. Inside were using a mix of SCB-2004 and SCB-2005, which are pretty cheap but get the job done. Anyways, my problem lies with one of our outside cameras getting totally washed out @ night from an overhead parking lot light. It goes into night mode(BW) but the light just creates a huge blob on the ground, which kills like 70% of the image. The light isnt even in picture, just the reflection off the asphalt. Any ideas would be great. For the lens on that guy, we're using a DC auto iris 2.8-12 with a F/1.4. Would going to a lower aperture help @ night with this problem?

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under settings headed backlight- have you tried messing with the HLC setting- think designed to dull down excessive whites like bright car headlights etc- worth a try. otherwise buy a bb gun and pop those light polluting bad boys..he he.

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