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DVR config

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Hi all.


When programming the DVR, what IP do I need to place in the DMZ within my router, is this the IP I assigned to the DVR?


When scanning ports I opened within my router, which should I able to see, I added 8000,80,1024,554?


I am trying to program a hikvison DVR , but when trying to login via a different location, I get the message (Not registered on the DDNS) Also when I login via the www.hik-online.com it shows that the DVR is offline.


Thank you


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Also when I login via the www.hik-online.com it shows that the DVR is offline.


There is your answer, your unit is not configured properly. Check thge network config on the device, make sure network config is OK, you have a working DNS, and DDNS is set up (with HiDDNS or IP Server).

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I thought I hadn't opened the ports right,but I can view via local, if ports where not open, would I be able to see via local?


Ports have nothing to do with being able to see it locally. You do not need to open any ports to see it from local.


Yes,I have hiddns setup and I'm using and DNS.


Your device is not reporting your IP to hik-online, since you say it shows the unit as being offline. How is your DDNS section configured?


Here is a guide for seting it up. It is in spanish, I hope it helps.


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So maybe port forwarding is wrongly configured... Gezz this sucks...


Can this programming be done from a different location without fiscally disconecting the DVR from the location and moving to another. Would be great if I could enter the DVR and program from my home?

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So maybe port forwarding is wrongly configured... Gezz this sucks...


Can this programming be done from a different location without fiscally disconecting the DVR from the location and moving to another. Would be great if I could enter the DVR and program from my home?


Port forwarding has nothing to do with the fact that your unit is not connected to hik-online. And if you could program it from home, that would mean that you have already done the network config correct, which of course, you have not done yet.


Sorry, but I do not do magic. If you do not post your config, no way I can tell you what is wrong.

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