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Storage Options Recovery

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Hi there,


I'm going crazy and really need some help!


I have a 'storage options' cctv 4 camera system (bought from Maplin) set up in my house covering my car outside. Once again I left my car parked and yet another neighbour has hit it! Only I am unable to access any menu on my CCTV system any more I desperately need this footage to pass on to the police and insurance company!


In the past I have just clicked on the screen and an option for main menu has appeared and then I have been able to view the footage. This time I can view 'real time' but there is no cursor and seemingly no way of accessing the menu in order to view footage. The red 'power' light is illuminated as is a yellow 'HDD' light.


In desperation I have connected the box to my laptop via a data cable in the hope that it shows as an external hard drive but it doesn't show.


Please is there something I can do to recover the footage??????


(I know which neighbour hit my car, they also have damage to their car consistent with the damage caused to my car. But on approaching them and even informing them of the CCTV in use they have still denied doing it).

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The bad news id that it may be your HDD is full and not recording as it should overwrite itself by default, but the change of light colour often indicates a fault. If this is the case it may well be that it was not recording the the time of your event. I have seen several storage option DVRs that had the Overwrite option set to STOP by default! Wonderful!


I am called out regularly in such circumstances and find that a perfectly good system is not doing it's job because it hasn't been set up correctly by those that think CCTV is simply plug and go. Its not, never was and never will be (not in the foreseeable future anyway)


The reason you haven't got a cursor could be your mouse is either broken or not correctly plugged in. If that doesn't prove to be the case, then restart the dVR with the USB mouse properly plugged in. When you right click on what 'you call' realtime display, a menu option will or should show. If it doesn't then something is indeed wrong. I would telephone Maplin Customer service and they have all the drivers and other stuff yo will need if there is a firmware update they will often guide you through it. These are best NOT done over t internet since any loss of connection could prove disastrous but the can connect to your computer via Teamviewer and control it as though they were in your home so it works well that way If that's what it needs I would not recommend you do it yourself as a mistake will be unrecoverable and effect destroy your DVR. If it is just down to settings, then they will be able to help you.


The footage may well be there but be prepared to be disappointed just in case.



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This is very good here. I think anyone who has read this story, it must have received the knowledge about this subject, more or less. I also know that it can be utilized as well.

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