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Advice on Quality

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I'm looking at 3-4 cameras for a small business. The first 2 i'm looking at will be mounted about 7 ft directly above the cash droors and I want the quality to be good enough so if we come up short I will be able to tell if one of my employees gave back the wrong change or just put it in his pocket. I was thinking about one of these cameras


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but im concerned that the quality of the camera wont be on the same level as the lens. What should I look for as far as a power supply for the camera's?

The 3rd camera I have no idea, I want it to cover as much of the interior my store as possible ( 50ft X 50ft) and want good quality but does not have to be as good as the others. The last camera will probably be a smoke detector camera for my office and I realize it probably wont be the best quality but I just need it for employee theft.

These will be hooked up to the following PC.

AMD 2700

512 Ram

Ati 9600XT

GV800-16 7.02


Any help and opinions would be greatly appriciated.

Also if anyone could recommend specific camera(s) from a site sponser I would like to purchase from a trusted seller.

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First that lens is way overkill for 7ft above a register. You could use a 3-8mm or 2.8-12mm and get right in close enough to see the dirt under their finger nails. Those cameras and that lens are not very good quality but the image could be satisfactory to see if some body is ripping you off depending on the lighting conditions.

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First that lens is way overkill for 7ft above a register. You could use a 3-8mm or 2.8-12mm and get right in close enough to see the dirt under their finger nails. Those cameras and that lens are not very good quality but the image could be satisfactory to see if some body is ripping you off depending on the lighting conditions.

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consider a indoor PTZ as the interior camera. you'd then be able to readjust as required, and follow any action from behind the scenes.


also look at a text overlay for the registers as it will provide you with detailed info. just connect to your registers and it will display the resgister output over the video as it happens. works good.


you did not mention any audio but I'd recommend it for your office also. just don't tell anyone you have audio and do not lead anyone to believe that you do.....but it's your biz so I'd be protecting it with all the cool tools.

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check out GE for the smoke detector cameras, they have high res versions in color or BW, also multiple camera versions, total of 4 cameras inside 1 single smoke detector. Their hidden camera line is great, and they use professional enclosures. If you want to go budget though then check out the Provideo Line.

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First I want to thank everyone who took the time to reply. I really appriciate it. I been reading as much as I can and i think i found some better quality cameras. For the overview of my store http://www.digitalwatchguard.com/securitycameras/pc/viewPrd.asp?idcategory=175&idproduct=1470

and for above the cash registers http://www.digitalwatchguard.com/securitycameras/pc/viewPrd.asp?idcategory=175&idproduct=1542

with one of these lens http://www.digitalwatchguard.com/securitycameras/pc/viewPrd.asp?idproduct=1430 or http://www.digitalwatchguard.com/securitycameras/pc/viewPrd.asp?idcategory=181&idproduct=1552

and I will be getting the ge smoke detector camera(thanks Rory). Any thoughts on this setup would be greatly appriciated. I have to purchase tonight or tomorrow. I also want to thank securitymonster for taking the time to send me a pm.

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Those cameras look like they will work just fine. Alot better quality than your first picks!


As for a lens, I would go with the 2.9-8mm and your probably going to use all the wide angle you can get!


Let us know how it all goes.

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