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Please Help Somebody!!! Lasers disruppting my Cameras

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Obviously this person is concerned and ridiculing them does no good! Lets be good forum neighbors.


You need to read this the whole way through. There were several people who stepped forward and laid everything out on the table for the OP. Choosing to completely ignore all of their advice is what got us here.


By the way, this thread escalated pretty quickly...I like it.

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I did read it all the way through! Even IF the help offered was not taken - it should NOT alter the civility of our responses.

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Thank you tng5737 for your civility and sensitivity. Your ability to be considerate no doubt shows you're a true gentleman. Thank you!

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stalking, intercepting & hacking into other peoples' pcs, wireless and internet setups is a federal offense and punishable by law.

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@abdel01. I worry for you, I'm not sure you want to come over to my place and risk being called paranoid too. Because that's what's going to happen when you come over to my place and actually witness live the things that I'm trying to explain and you trying to explain it to others. I don't know if you want to be in my shoes...


Mind you, I don't think this neighbor has any extra powers, or any extra knowledge, or anything of such. I just think there is something probably very simple that they are doing that we haven't warped our fingers around. But I'm confident we'll get there. I'm working on it. After all, it was my quest to find answers that brought me here, isn't it?

No, as stated before...what you are suggesting is simply impossible...it cannot be done...there is NO way they are controlling your DVR if its disconnected from the network...You will not find any answers other than your device is defective, improperly setup or you are hallucinating the entire scenario....

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Like I said before it will be much better if you leave your Neighbours out of trying to solve your problem.


You have been asked some basic questions but not answered any.


It's your system


Is your camera near anything outdoors

Are you going stright to your dvr and viewing your footage as soon as you have a problem.

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If you don't trust your DVR or cameras, go to your installer and ask them to replace the faulty equipment. Furthermore, use your mobile phone to capture your 'horrible' neighbours. Only when your neighbour physical touches you to grab the phone, the video can be removed. If you don't trust modern technology, use an old fashioned video recorder....


This camera in the attachment would be intimidating for your neighbour, meaning that you are serious about it.


But wait, there is more to tell


Instead of being bad neighbours to each other (making each other life so miserably as hell) and spend another 2000 dollar for a 'useless' cctv system or for buying the video recorder, do something unexpected. Give your neighbour everyday a flower. Not just flowers, but white flowers since 'White color itself is a symbol of peace and purity' (http://www.buzzle.com/articles/meaning-of-the-color-of-flowers.html) or be multicolored.


Succes is guaranteed, make love not war " title="Applause" /> " title="Applause" /> " title="Applause" /> .



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@tomcctv, The cameras are outdoors


The DVR is on continuous recording


We had previously viewed an incident right after we saw it happen and when we realized that it was being erased, We resorted to recording with our phones or iPad.

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Then it was not being erased......... You need your footage to be filed by your dvr


Swann puts footage into files of 20 mins long. Each file then is given time date


If you view footage before that footage is filed it will not be filed.

Plus some swann and avtech when you go into footage the dvr will stop recording.



Ok your cameras are outside ...... Are they anywere near you hvac outlet or any other outlet with heat ?

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There're 4 cameras. 2 are located approximately 75ft from the outlet, 1 about 50ft and the other about 20-25ft.

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The installer also did a trouble shoot, and told us the problem was not due to installation.


Well I guess if the installer says it isn't his fault, it must be true...


For someone so convinced that people are out to get you, you took their word for it rather well.


As a side note, I would say over 80% of the people I talk to that say they're installers have no business being around security cameras...or even around electricity in some cases.


BTW, how are we looking with getting those screen shots? Or would you like to continue this guessing game until the end of time...

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I truly appreciate everyone trying to help. But please note that you are not by any means obligated to make comments or even open this forum. If you find any of my statements not suitable to your liking, please ignore, be the bigger person, and move on, you don't have to respond or bother to follow. Leaving rude and abusive comments are not necessarily going to solve any problem nor are those words going to make any useful impacts nor are they in anyway productive. Thank you all!

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Sorry guys, I'm trying to post some images from the cameras, and I'm getting this message:


The file is too big, maximum allowed size is 500 KiB.


Still working on it.

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Thank you for posting the pictures, Goodolick!


The picture at the top displays the 4 cameras with camera 1 at the at the top left. as you can see, it shows a gray blank with an oval shape in the middle. This has been happening for the past 3 weeks precisely from hours of 0700 to 1600. with the exception of the day that I explained previously on one of my earlier postings about the day 10/1/2015, at about 1130, when my husband and I had taken the ladder out to trouble shoot the camera, and the neighbors' son- in- law hurriedly dashed into his truck which he habitually packed in front of our home and drove away and since the behavior was quite bizaar we thought it was relating to the camera, and when we went back in to view the screen, the images were regained without us even haven to troubleshoot the camera as we had gone out to do. Unfortunately, he continues to park in that area and we have continued to have that interruption daily.


Picture two features the 4 cameras with camera 1 at top left, and what its images would look like, when it is not interrupted.

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I'm just going to put this out there. If someone was pointing a laser at your cameras, which would look completely different from this, you'd at least be able to go back and watch him as he sets this thing up every day. Or is that the portion of the video you think someone is deleting?


The only reason I don't think it's the cable is because this is only happening between certain hours of the day. Those hours are what lead me to believe that the IR board just wasn't turning off. It could still be that but ever since I suggested it (days ago) the OP has never verified whether or not they checked for that.

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Something else, when the cameras were installed, we noticed that the Lenses were located downwards and at the centers at the positions of 6pm. But Camera 1's lense has altered eversince it has been interrupted, we noticed that the Lens was moved up to the 12PM position. That is a change that required a physical adjustment and that was not made by either my husband or myself.

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Hi, Don Stephens! The IR is not on it only comes on at night.


I want to know who your installer is. If he claims there's nothing wrong with the equipment, then what reason is he offering up for what's going on before he just jumps back in his truck and drives away? Why isn't he the one dealing with troubleshooting this for you?


You don't really have any choice here. You either catch these people in the act and file a complaint once you've done so, or submit to the possibility that people don't hate you as much as you think.


If you're willing to accept the fault is in the equipment or installation, then you're going to need to take the camera down and bench test it indoors until you can figure out what the heck is going on. You can't solve a problem without knowing what the problem is.


Your installer, or whoever provided you the equipment, should be doing all of this troubleshooting for you. They shouldn't have forced you to reach out to complete strangers in order to beg for a solution to a problem that you haven't even been able to positively identify yet.


You also need to spell out for us exactly what equipment you have so we can make more accurate suggestions. We still don't even know what type of system you have, let alone specs on your cameras.

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