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Can HIKVISION Alarm I/O daisy chain a PIR -> DCS Panel?

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Hi Folks,


Appreciate some help on this before I order these cameras internationally (can't find in Canada). I'm pretty set on the Hikvision DS-2CD2532F-IS as it seems perfect for my application and the size is nice and small.


I wanted to create a system to monitor a remote cottage (I have solid internet up there) so reducing false positive motion detection is key.


My plan was to:

- Use above camera and hookup high quality "Optex" PIR to Alarm IN port on Hikvision

- PIR would detect motion and ALARM IN would then trigger the record and email notification

- I wanted to use ALARM OUT to then pass the signal to a DCS Security panel that would be hooked up to VERA HA or Smartthings system

- The purpose of this would be to alert VERA and then fire up all the lights on the property (controlled by smart dimmers) to hopefully spook the intruder


Will this work with the ALARM OUT wiring? It is key that ALARM OUT triggers at nearly same time the ALARM IN triggers from the PIR.


If there is another camera better suited for this please let me know but the above seemed to be the best combo of everything I was looking for at reasonable price.


Thank you all!!!

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Yes, you can do so. But why would you want to do that? You could just wire the PIR to both the "alarm in" on the Hikvision, AND your security panel. Why go through the camera?


You do not need the Hikvision camera to get that working.

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Ahh.. I am a NooB trying to figure this out and your suggestion makes total sense! I knew I was over complicating this.


So the PIR could go to both the ECS Panel and Camera in parallel which would greatly simplify setup.


On to my next question about easy ARM/DISARM...


Now I am assuming that with the ECS Panel/Keypad/Vera HA setup, I create an ARM and DISARM scene. When we are at the cottage, we obviously don't want to be recording and triggering things. I don't want to be using phones/browsers to arm/disarm cameras as I have contractors/renters..


Here is what i'm hoping to do:

- user opens door, disarms ECS alarm via keypad (standard stuff anyone knows how to do)

- ECS system connected to Vera would now show as disarmed

- Vera HA would somehow send a command to HIKVISION to stop recording/alerting on Motion.. Camera feed would still be available on demand via browser but the alerts etc would need to stop

- on leaving, user ARMS the alarm with keypad and the reverse happens..


Possible? understand HIKVISION has a highly programmable CGI interface but didn't really find a plug and play way to do this.

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So the PIR could go to both the ECS Panel and Camera in parallel which would greatly simplify setup.


It would.


On to my next question about easy ARM/DISARM...


Now I am assuming that with the ECS Panel/Keypad/Vera HA setup, I create an ARM and DISARM scene. When we are at the cottage, we obviously don't want to be recording and triggering things. I don't want to be using phones/browsers to arm/disarm cameras as I have contractors/renters..


Here is what i'm hoping to do:

- user opens door, disarms ECS alarm via keypad (standard stuff anyone knows how to do)

- ECS system connected to Vera would now show as disarmed

- Vera HA would somehow send a command to HIKVISION to stop recording/alerting on Motion.. Camera feed would still be available on demand via browser but the alerts etc would need to stop

- on leaving, user ARMS the alarm with keypad and the reverse happens..


Possible? understand HIKVISION has a highly programmable CGI interface but didn't really find a plug and play way to do this.


I guess then that what you want to do is connect the PIR to your alarm system, and the alarm system to the Hikvision "alarm in".

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Hmm didn't think of it that way. Thanks again for helping to simplify!!


If I did that, then how do I ensure the exterior motion sensor doesn't trip the siren on the main alarm panel. I.e. I only want to trip the sirens etc if they break in and don't disarm properly via keypad. If ECS Panel has a way of taking in the exterior motion sensor and then relaying to the camera without a hard alarm then your suggestion would be perfect.


Again many thanks for your patience and advice!

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