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Video balun for DVR monitor output problems

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I have installed HDMI output for onsite DVR. Therefore extra monitoring needed to be achieved about 100M away from the site. I put video balun at both end and get monochrome output of the video. However, when I tried to put single camera directly to the balun, I get colored output at the other end of balun.





Note: I have tried several case here;

1. DVR output - passive balun - 10m CAT 5E - passive balun - tv => COLOR

2. DVR output - video signal amplifier - passive balun - 100m cat 5e - passive balun - tv => MONOCHROME


thanks for any help..

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I did try what u suggest and i get a color output to the tv.. Excellent outcome... Here is what I did again today. I tried active balun from the shop and results are not so satisfied. I get quite a larger white horizontal line moving from up to down in a constant timing,, I guess this is kinda distortion happens there,


Another solution I have so far is using a pair of twisted pair instead of single to positive balun and another pair for negative balun. Guess what happens.. color output at the other end of tv...seems like it settle the problem so far


I am still stuck in the problem why I have to use pair of twisted pair.... Here is the diagram


solid brown >> positive

Strip brown >> negative

Outcome >> Monochrome


Solid brown and strip brown >> positive

Solid blue and strip blue >> negative

Outcome >> color


Actually this is the best solution so far.. any idea why this happen???

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  hartawan said:
Actually this is the best solution so far.. any idea why this happen???


You doubled the gauge of the cable when you decided to use two pairs instead of just one. Your signal problem is related to the gauge of your copper wire being too thin.

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  the toss said:
No Don , it would normally cause major problems by using one twisted pair for each leg. I'm at a loss as to what is happening here


I don't doubt you, but I have never seen this lead to an issue in my own experience.


...I also would have done this completely differently to begin with.

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Here it comes to conclusion, problems arise due to fake belden cat 5 cable... I manage to replace with original cable and everything works flawlessly,. Setup back to single pair for the balun. Thanks for all who helped me out before...

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