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Help with 16 channel GV-600

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Hello, I'm hoping someone can help me...


I got a windows computer that already has geovision card and software in it. I had a couple security cameras at home so I hooked them up to the card. There were 10 cameras turned on when I got it and it had this infernal constant beeping which I thought was an unrelated mother board issue.


I read the manual and found that it was because of the lost video feeds. Fair enough, I went into Configure >General Settings > Camera/Audio Install > Camera/Audio Install and clicked a button that reads "Activate" in a box that reads CCTV Camera. There I found a dropdown of 16 checkboxes. I unchecked 3-10 and the beeping stopped and the boxes that previously read "Video Lost" now had the GeoVision logo on them.


Time passed and I bought a zosi cheap outdoor camera from amazon. I went to make it channel 3, reversed what I did before, found the checkbox and clicked #3 back on. When that was done, I could only see the original two camera feeds. I restarted geovision, same. I rebooted the computer, same. If I unplug the camera, I get the infernal beeping again. I then tried a different channel, 7, same behavior. Then I went back to three, but swapped 2 and 3. Now I can see the new feed in 2, and the feed from 2 is now gone.


If I go to Configure > A/V Setting > Video Attributes > Advanced and drop the top dropdown to 1,2 and 3, I see a beautiful camera feed in each channel - no problems.


If I use the web interface, I see all three, no problems.


Did I miss a step or is there something special I need to do to get more cameras to show up again? I noticed one time a while ago that the software seems to be able to be downloaded and used for free... did I see that right too? should I just remove and reinstall?


Thanks anyone!

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I'm using mine on local lan only so no security issues.

With your other problem not quite sure what's happening make sure you have the camera plugged into the correct port as in its not in port 10 and your looking for it in camera position 3.

Easy way to check this is use the 16 channel display in the main screen. By the way toy can just disable the beeping by going to tools -> video signal diagnostics -> disable video lost beep. Might also be an idea to download the nearest software 8.5.9 from geovision.com.tw.


Good luck



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Thanks for checking out my question Mike,


I did the 16 cut thinking I read the 8 as a 3 on the cable, but no dice - 14 geovision logos.


I also swapped out 3 and 7 to see if it was the channel and still nothing.


It's getting a feed on 3 if I try to edit the channel and through the web so I'm leaning towards a software issue instead of a hardware issue. I found another post that had geovision's website and boasted live chat help so I'm going to see what they say and see if I can reinstall the software.


Thanks again!

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