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HIK-Vision DDNS Success but Diffrent Dynamic IP

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i bought a hikvision dvr from local store, then i try to setting it up, at first everything success in setting open port for router and register in hik-online.com set the domain all is success, i try play in lan via browser also no problem.


then the problem come from when i am access from www.hik-online.com/,

it redirect to my isp ip xxx.xxx.xxx.171: and it's a blan page, then i see in hik-online.com device management the dynamic ip is xxx.xxx.xxx.171, when i'm asking my isp, he said my ip public is xxx.xxx.xxx.4


so i tried access in xxx.xxx.xxx4: it's success to login page. and i think it's done, but later when i want to access cctv from mobile app "iVMS-4500" i got a problem.


i go to setting devices add with data :

registermode : HiDDNS

server add : www.hik-online.com

devicename :

set the correct username and password


after that i click "Start Live View" and it got "Connection Failed"


i think the "Connection Failed" come from different dynamic problem.


is there any solutiion to change ip dynamic in www.hik-online.com?


sorry for my bad english

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i already foward the port.


i already can access from xxx.xxx.13.4:3xxxx




but in www.hik-online.com my dynamic ip is xxx.xxx.13.171:3xxxx



when i click in www.hik-online.com/xxxx it redirect to xxx.xxx.13.171:3xxx



i want it to redirect to xxx.xxx.13.4:3xxxx


untill now still couldnot access from iVSM-4500 app.

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i get xxx.xxx.13.171


but when i ask my isp he said the public ip is xxx.xxx.13.4


he said when i use proxy i got xxx.xxx.13.171, but the true when i use proxy i got xxx.xxx.13.129 when not use proxy get xxx.xxx.13.171


is there any other app to stream cctv without through hik-online?


i access hik-online from outside networks.


my friends sugget me to user MEye, then i try access using MEye android app, and set the ip xxx.xxx.13.4 with all port, it still not working, when i search in MEye it say need mobile port, and in hikvision doesnot have any mobile port.


thanks for the help

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Then the problem is not with hik-online, but with your ISP, and whatever proxy method they are using. If http://www.whatismyip.com/ detects xxx.xxx.13.171, so will hik-online, and any other DDNS method you try to use (dyn.com, no-ip, etc).


Do you have static IP? If so, just use always xxx.xxx.13.4 for connecting, and forget about the hik-online domain. If it is not static, ask your ISP how much they charge for static IP and consider geting it.


And do not bother with meye. iVMS-4500 works fine, the problem you are having is with your public IP, you will have it fom a web browser, from iVMS-4500, and you would have it with any other method you tried to use.

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Thanks all for the help, the problem already solve


in iVSM-4500 setting have a Register Mode for custom IP so i set the address with xxx.xxx.13.4 with port 3xxxx and it work.

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