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So my name is Blair and I have been coming to this site pretty often since taking my current position for a large business. I decided to sign up because I am just sick of vendors and their lack of knownledge from their supporting departments. There seems to be quite a bit of knownledge that I hope to learn from. Due to circumstances that were unforseen I am the one and only person in charge of roughly 5k cameras throughout the company. I have a vendor that I use for new installs but everything that is currently on the network I am in control of. There are some analog systems but primary everything is IP based. We use JVC NVRs a mix of the old and new as well as JVC cameras with some older axis mixed in. I have quite the laundry list of issues that continues to pile up so I look forward to interacting and gaining some knownledge. As of right now I have about 6 months of total experience with cameras and most of that was learned because something broke and I had to fix it.

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welcome to the forum. theres plenty here to increase your knowledge- i'm 20+ years in CCTV and still learning every day.

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