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GV800-8 jittery output

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Hello ... first post here.

I am new to GeoVision, and have a question/problem.


Should the recorded avi file be as smooth as the input, or is a certain amount of jitter normal?

I ask this realizing that cards have frame rate limitations.

So far, I have been told the output should be smooth.

I am using a GV800-8 card, using one camera, and can't seem to get a smooth output file.

I have tried about everything I can think of, and am becoming discouraged.

I'm not trying anything fancy, just the main system and viewlog.


This is a new card purchased in December of 2005, v3.01.

The OS is XP pro, DirectX 9c, with SP1 installed.

The PC is new, ( I built it ) with the following specs:


GV 800-8 card w/v7.04 software ( I did a successful upgrade to v7.05, but it did not help the problem )

MB - Abit IS7-E2

Chipset - Intel 82865PE (MCH ) + 82801EB (ICH5)

CPU - P4 2.8 Northwood w/hyperthreading - 800MHz FSB

Ram - 1 GB @ 400MHz

Video - GeForce4 Ti4800se ( Not DirectX compliant card, but I did try a GeForce 6800 card and it did not help )

HDD - Western Digital WD1200JB - partitioned into a 20 GB system drive, and a 92 GB data drive - NFTS both drives )

I have also tried using two different HDD for system and data, and the results were the same.

I have tried the GV800 card in another similar PC, and the results were the same.


The camera I am using for input is a camcorder.

I am using the RCA video out jack from a Samsung SCW71 Camcorder. ( no tape in the camcorder )

It has a 22X optical zoom, and I am shooting thru a window, using full optical zoom, to a target about 1100 feet away.

It has been great on my VHS recorder using extended play.

No jitter at all.

The picture also comes into the GV800 jitter free, it looks excellent.

But any playback I get from the GV800 has jitter.

The saved file played back on another PC is also jittery.

I have tried using the video out from a VHS player and recording TV onto the GeoVision system, and still have the jitter in the recorded file.

So I feel I can not blame the camera.

It is not the motion controls fault, because the results are the same when I record on continous.



My present Geo settings are: ( but I have tried every combination I can think off )


Video Source = NTSC_M 640x480


No audio has been set up or connected.


Performance = Record Master .... using GeoMpg4


System Configuration/General Settings:

Enable Directdraw Overlay ( Disable makes not difference, and yes I did a system restart )

Enable De-Interlace Render ( Disable makes not difference, and yes I did a system restart )

Premotion Record = Extra

Total Frames = 90 .... Frames/Sec = 30

Post Record = 5 sec


Camera 1:

Record Quality = 5

Frames/Sec = High

Record Video Upper Limit = Set Upper Limit = Frames/sec = 30


Here is an example of my VHS recording converted to a wmv file.

Quality is poor, because I recorded VHS long play, played back on another VHS machine, captured on a PC, and saved to a small mpg file. ( I only have 5 meg of online storage available to me )





Here is the same video captured with the GV800.




Any help/suggestions would be greatly appreciated!!

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Opps, looks like I started this thread in the wrong area.

It should have been in the "DVR cards and software - PC based" section.

Can an admin maybe move it? ....

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Excellent post man, don't need to ask too many questions you had also checked into the hardware before purchase thats awesome.



What are the settings on the other camera inputs?


You should be able to record realtime on one channel but if it's got 7 more cameras on it at the same time it will get "jerky" when objects move. If you record a totally still FOV you should not see any jerkiness, if you do you have a real problem.

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Thanks to the admins for moving the thread.


Yes, I think I have proper hardware.

I just need to get a DirectX 9 compliant video card.

One is on the way ... should be here in a day or two.

But I do not feel that is the problem, because I tested it with a compliant card.


"What are the settings on the other camera inputs?"

I just checked the other camera settings.

They were set on record on motion.

I unchecked the 'record' box.

They shouldn't have been doing anything with no input... I figured.

They are off now .... sure would be nice if it was that simple to fix.


I only have camera 1 input in use at this time.

All others are not being used and are not connected.

I did test it with camera 1 on motion detect, and camera 2 on continous ... both connected to the same camera.

A little AGC adjust, and both came into the card just fine.

Problem still was present tho.


I don't see any jitter when there is no motion.

The recording is there, but nothing is moving.... just as it should be.

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make sure you have only camera input 1 enabled, the rest must be disabled or it will use up the total fps. Also play with the pre record or disable it as that can cause the jitter you are experiencing also, the file is so short it is hard to tell though.

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make sure you have only camera input 1 enabled, the rest must be disabled or it will use up the total fps. Also play with the pre record or disable it as that can cause the jitter you are experiencing also, the file is so short it is hard to tell though.


To disable camera 2 thru 8 am I correct it is done by:

System Configuration > Camera 2 ( thru 8 ) > Monitor Control ... and uncheck the "Rec Video" box?

Then when I start monitoring, I use the main screen "monitor" button and set the check mark by camera 1 only.



I have now stopped the pre record, and am testing.


If the problem is still present, I will post a longer example.

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Turning off pre record did not help .... but ...

I think the "Camera/Audio Install menu item ... then the Activate button" is the problem!!

All 8 were checked.

I thought that area was for audio only.


Without the pre record I don't get much of a recording, but from what I've seen so far ... I think you hit it right on the head.


I have turned pre record back on, and will report back the results.


But yes indeed, all camera inputs must have been on.

In the main screen monitor button, I now only see camera 1 as a turn on option.

No other cameras show in the configuration screen either.


So with that in mind, does that mean if I want to set up 7 more cameras for motion detect only, that I will always see the jitter even if only one camera sees motion and records?


TESTING .......

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YES!! That did it alright.


Thanks alot Rory!!!

You made my day! This forum ROCKS!

I been pullin my hair out for a couple of weeks now tryin to figure this out!


The View Log still has a little jitter, but the saved avi file is jitter free, with pre record on.

Now I can start playin around with the other settings again to see what this thing will do.


I am still wondering what to expect as I connect more cameras in motion detect mode.

Like I said in my previous post ....

"So with that in mind, does that mean if I want to set up 7 more cameras for motion detect only, that I will always see the jitter even if only one camera sees motion and records?"

I thought the available frame rate would not be used if the camera was not recording.

You know.... if I had 8 cameras hooked up and activated for motion, that I would have plenty of frame rate if only one or two were recording.

This does not appear to be true huh?

Or does the software handle things different when there are cameras hooked to the activated inputs?

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When you have the unused cameras activated it will act as if all 8 cams had motion. So what you had before would be the same if all 8 cams had motion. Once you have actual cameras hooked up and motion detection activated you should be fine. Make sure to put a check in SMART so your recordings will always have the most fluid motion that your card is able to produce.

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