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Kodicom Diginet Full Backup

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Hi all,


I have a site that installed with Kodicom Diginet 4.11. They are recorded in continues mode. The problems is they are required to do a full backup of all the storage and burn into DVD disc.


I have tried to do the backup with "AVI Back" but it stopped after 8 hours of backup althought I set it to do a backup over a priod of 1 week. I set the split by 24 hours or 1 hour but the result are still the same, stopped after 8 hours. The backup was stored in hard disk first. It is not directly burn into DVD disc this eliminated the insufficient stroge issue.


I try to do the backup with "Time Backup", but once backup the file was in *.bix, *.box and kif extension. What program shall we use to open the backed up file? or is it any other methods allow us to do a full backup of the site over a long period?


Does anyone can give some advise on how to do a full backup of the site. Thank you.

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I'm afraid to say that 4.11 has a problem with backup. To make matters worse..... 4.11 was never released. It was sonly sent out with copy boards from China. I'm afraid you might be stuck.

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The 4.11 software bites. You'll never get the full back up. We eventually pulled the cards because even 1 minute of back up could take 10-15 minutes. Forget a full back-up.

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If this is the case of 4.11 version was not a former released version, is there any other version of software that I can use since I already had the 4 channel Kodicom card?


Anywhere I can download the version that allow me to do a full backup?


The card been sold to client, what shall I do now? Help need!

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There is an update depending on the card you have. If its a pirate, it will crash the system. You are better off trying another card - even though you have the 4 camera card already, you're just going to end up pulling your hair out. I tried everything and finally scrapped the card. I use NetVision's cards. They work well and they monitor this site to give help to anyone with their software/hardware.

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I would complain to the person you got the card from. They ripped you off. Not sure that anyone i know would support a copy board with new the newest software.

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