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Help me! Samsung SRD-1654d Factory Reset (Forgot Password)

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I need help figuring out the correct procedure to Factory Reset (wipe it all out, back to default) my SRD-1654d, please PM me I am desperate! As I have no surveillance on my property now! I feel so unprotected and exposed

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I had a Samsung SDR-5102N DVR. I emailed Samsung (Techwin), and this is what they responded with a week later. It worked perfectly. Don't know if this is specific for the SDR series or works on others. This is a common issue. Would be nice if everyone could come up with a list of Samsung (Techwin) DVR series and what procedure/codes work for which models and maybe create a sticky with this info.

Good Luck!



1. Press this button sequence on your remote control while pointing at the dvr unit.(One button at a time lightly at a fast pace) FREEZE> ALARM> FREEZE> ALARM> FREEZE> RETURN

2.When prompted to load the factory settings press OK

3. After loading the factory settings you will be able to create a new password.

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