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Is it stilll functioning or do i need to delete storage?

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Hey Guys, I have a store, where i have 6 cameras installed.

Now one of these days I decided to go check the store, to overview my stock ( don't trust my employee) and when i went to the security room.

To check the cameras it said storage is full with the warning sign blinking, and all the cameras showed a black screen plus a red line going to the cameras. now my question is was it still recording or was it completely shut down?

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My system is only about a month old, and I kept an eye on the recording & HD. Mine also shows the HD is full, but I do have the over-write, so I get about 14 days recording on 3 of my cameras. The 14 days continues to move and i can playback from yesterday.

So I am not surprised by the HD showing it is full, but check the other settings as the previous poster said, look for the over-write option.

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Hi. Sounds like you have other problems ..... Even if hard drive is full that should not stop your screen image of cameras


Try going back on your hard rive and see what has happened

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I'll have to admit, I am confused about the "red line going to the camera's". I took that to mean that in the live view or playback view, there was a line pointing to the camera icons. Can you clarify where or what the red line is? Are you able to watch the camera's in live view ok or are they just black then? What did you see when playing back the recording that you did get?

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