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Emailing HD images - is it so difficult?

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I have been trying to find a camera to look out of a window into my courtyard. I want it to detect motion and email me an HD image. This shouldn't be so hard, but I have returned two cameras so far because a) the first did not email HD images, just low quality ones and b) the second, I could not set the port to access the camera to something other than 80 and the motion sensitivity was much too great so I was flooded with emails.


Reading manuals online they never tell me what the email quality will be. So please may I have some advice? I want a camera that:


a) has wifi

b) can be accessed from a port of my choosing to view from outside the LAN

c) has a sensible sensitivity to motion (and yes, I know many have sensitvity settings)

d) emails a good image

e) I can turn off any LEDs so that they don't reflect back from the window at night time.


I would be really grateful for suggestions please.

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Do you need it to email you images on schedule or just on motion ?


Most of the time motion is not that accurate for the cheaper range of cameras. It'll either over trigger or under.


Especially when you are placing them behind a window that have reflection. Why not get a outdoor one and place it outside ?

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I would like it to email images on motion (ideally just during the hours of darkness).

I know I could go for an outside camera, but

i) they advertise themselves and tell people that there is something to pinch

ii) it means running power to the outside of the building which is just more difficult (rainproofing etc.)

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