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Hello from Central Florida

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Has anyone tried the solar powered cameras? I heard they don't really work, but I am trying to obtain a system that is totally wireless. Also I have battery operated deer cameras that I insert cards for recording - this is actually a cheaper way to get the wrong doers on video, but there is no way to see the video in real time and there is at least a 15 second delay before recording starts. I have had some really bad experiences with bad people on my yard and a lot can happen in 15 seconds. Any suggestions, advice, recommendations...?


Thanks a lot

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hi, have you ever considered a WiFi camera and battery with a solar charger, you can wifi direct into your home you will need a meaty battery because night use will use IR leds and they are power hungry(standard led 20mA IR led 50mA) and the WiFI are hungry when transmitting alternately for less power use wire back to the internet hub or wire back to the +VR ...binary

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