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New member in AZ

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Good afternoon everyone - Terry here in sunny AZ and looking forward to getting advice from the experts on planning/installing a surveillance system in my home. Unfortunately, most folks are reactive vs. proactive, and I fall into the reactive category. Although I've been contemplating a system for several years, it wasn't until a UPS package was allegedly taken from my front doorstep that I now find myself pricing cameras and evaluating options. I say "allegedly" because UPS claims that the package was delivered, but we were home at the time they say it arrived but never heard a doorbell or anything like that, so we're skeptical that it actually was delivered to our house. But nonetheless, an element of paranoia has been introduced into our security, so it's time. I'll be asking a few questions in the design forum, I'm sure - but don't worry - I always search existing posts before asking questions about a subject. I thank everyone in advance for your help and info.


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