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Steve F


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Hi everyone! I've been tinkering with CCTV for a couple years and am looking to advance my skills. I'm maintenance supervisor for a local town and have convinced the Town Board to begin installing CCTV at our various facilities. I hired a contractor to install the first system at a problematic park but I successfully installed a system at my maintenance shop. I'm here to learn the parameters and restrictions of different types of cameras and cabling. I belong to a number of forums of different topics and even operate a couple myself so I'll be playing by the rules. Thanks in advance for your help!

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If you are deploying multiple system over a period of time, you'll have to look into backend integration right from the start.

You won't want to use 5 different CMS software at your HQ to monitor your various sites. It'll be messy, and it'll takes more training to teach whoever is in charge how to use multiple software/system.

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Thanks for the reply! Can you direct me to an area of the forum where I can learn more about what you've mentioned?

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