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View RED Sannce alarms in playback

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I got this system https://www.amazon.ca/gp/product/B00ZW63ESC/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1


Set up motion alarm. Purposely tripped the alarm to test. Alarm works. Go into playback to look for red alarms and there is nothing.


In playback:

Green = Regular

Yellow = Manual

Red = Alarm


I only have yellow but no red and the cameras record 24/7. How can I set this up to only record when there is motion on the camera so I'm not recording a bunch of nothing?


Ive read the manuals over many times and I don't understand the chinese to broken english translation and nowhere in what I can read does it talk about colors anywhere.


One of the cameras points in my front yard. I want it set up so it records everything by motion but the alarm will sound if some gets inside the "alarm" area which covers my vehicle. So if the mailman comes it will record but no alarm unless mailman gets too close to vehicle then it will alarm.


Can anyone explain how to ONLY record motion and alarms in *unbroken* english?


Also what does "LENGTH" mean? Does that mean that after motion it keeps recording for 60 minutes after the motion stops?

Also what is redundancy? Should that be checked or unchecked?

MD Interval is also confusing me.


I think this is gonna be the last time I buy from China




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