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I can see they have a 16ch/480fps cards. only 1ch audio input though.

Any opinions on these cards?

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Good stuff. Good price. 16 Channels of audio is an option.


One Note. @ 720x480 you will lose 1/2 your record fps.

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Well, uh, just because of that name, I don't think that any of my customers will trust any of those dvr's

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Their audio cards can give you 16 Channels, but they do NOT sync up like they should. They claim "perfect sync", but we haven't gotten it to work yet.


Good luck.

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Interestingly enough I've had a couple of customers want 16 camera audio for different reasons. One wanted it for training swat teams. They put up a fake house, like in movie studios, put cameras and microphones in each room and then they storm the house as if in a raid. Then they review it on the DVR using the audio and video and burn to a CD clips if needed. Another customer wanted it for police interview rooms where they need to record audio and video in police investigations. Another in a University where they use it in the pyschology department for similar interviews. This company Silicor out here sells many of their DVRs primarily because of the 16 channel audio capability. It is fairly expensive but very good audio sound and sync.

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why dont they just use the 1 audio input, with mutiple mics, thats how I have done it here. It works great. Unless they absolutely need a seperate one for each room etc.

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They need to link the video with audio so have to use one mic per video channel. Also several mic's may be going at same time and a mic mixer would produce a gibberish sound if all the mic's were active at same time.

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Using Loroue products, i have never had an issue with multiple mics, 8 being the most I have installed at one location. They tie into a base station, which has a DVR/VCR audio output. I also have a couple that are just joined together and go direct into the DVR, and they have no problems also, clear audio. Thing is as far as recording goes, you will ofcourse be playing back all of them.

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I'm very familiar with Louroe. I know Lou, the owner personally, and have carried his products since he started the company. They are top quality. Still for multi microphone situations where multiple microphones will be used at the same time you cannot use 1 channel of audio. How do you separate out 4 or 5 simultaneous conversations all mixed into one channel?

It would be like being in a room and you are at one end and 5 people are at the other end all yelling at you. It would become a jumbled sound mix which you couldn't use. Multiple channels of audio are becoming more in demand and you will start to see them on the better DVRS. Kalatel sooner or later will have to recognize this and incorporate in their new models.

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I'm very familiar with Louroe. I know Lou, the owner personally, and have carried his products since he started the company. They are top quality. Still for multi microphone situations where multiple microphones will be used at the same time you cannot use 1 channel of audio. How do you separate out 4 or 5 simultaneous conversations all mixed into one channel?

It would be like being in a room and you are at one end and 5 people are at the other end all yelling at you. It would become a jumbled sound mix which you couldn't use. Multiple channels of audio are becoming more in demand and you will start to see them on the better DVRS. Kalatel sooner or later will have to recognize this and incorporate in their new models.


Yeah, I see what you mean, yes, I hope they soon will get their act in check I dont see how hard it can be, as it is though they charge an extra $3-500 just for audio on the DVRs. Im also amazed at the hard drive pricing, since the tech told me I could just out in my own DVRs, but I loose the warranty, but if you wanted a 1TB DVR, its more than $5K than the 40Gb, and if you didnt need audio, it would make sense to just put in your own hard drives, because even without a warranty, the 16 channel for eg. 40Gb being around $3K, and the 1TB being around $9K, you still save $3K even if you had to buy a new one to replace the bad one. Anyway, just rattling on, I hope they bring the pricing down soon on the larger drives, I guess they are keeping them in the range of the other embedded manufacturers like phillips, ultrack, pano, dm, etc.

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Another thing, with the Kalatel, it only records audio if there is video being recorded, so if you set it to motion only recording (event) it will only record audio when someone goes in front of the camera, But still could be an issue if more than one picks up motion.


Their ClearCast DVR system they have now, multiple audio, and have 30pps on every camera, up to 1000+ cameras, but its PC based, and even so, it costs a fortune. Its geared towards Casinos.

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  paprotec said:
give me a day to ask permission


That would be great. You can PM me with any details. Even if it's only for ten minutes or so.

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paprotec, does the DF-8000 16ch/480fps truely provides real-time display and recording rates?

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