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GV-5016 Windows, having issues with Startup

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I wasn't able to login to windows and didn't create a backup. typed every password imaginable and every iteration of those passwords. Finally decided to reinstalled windows. Then decided to just install the inevitable windows 10. After the install, GV-5016 worked fine after moving it from PCI slot to PCI slot and uninstalling and reinstalling the card drivers over and over. Every-time it rebooted it started right up. I think the computer went to sleep or something and now it's doing that Multicam system wait thing again. So once again I attempted to move the PCI slot and uninstall and reinstall drivers. finally I reinstalled windows again and am still having issues with Geovision starting.


At first thought this seemed to be a Windows 10 issue, so I installed windows 7 and the same thing happened it was being a bastard about starting.


When the card was first installed, I don't remember having this much trouble with it. Had the card for over 2 years and it was working fine until I "forgot" my login password for windows. (might be paranoid, but I think windows corrupted my password or something).


It was working fine for about 2 hours then the computer went to sleep and that was it.


if anyone has any insight I would be greatly appreciative.


One thing it says afterward is card setup failed. man this is getting frustrating

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Ok, so the one thing I neglected to do was swap the Sata port. After trying over and over and over again. I finally swapped the Sata port and it worked. fingers crossed that it stays working.

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damn this thing is being extremely stubborn. I think I had one run where windows was able to reboot 7 times and geovision started every time. Now it just hangs no matter how many times I try. It pauses for a long time then says, can't find keypro then device failed etc... Wonder if this is a windows 10 thing. I never had this amount of problems with windows 7. . I know it can see the usb dongle because I can see it in device manager. I like Geovision because it's fairly user friendly once everything is set up and the cameras are descent, as far as surveillance equipment goes. Why does everything have to be so difficult.

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