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2016 installed - further queeries (with footage)

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Just after a bit of guidance please.


I have a home built system comprising an anykeeper 2016 card that was bought 2nd hand off ebay together with a couple of sony colour ccd cameras running from an old p3 866mhz computer (512mb ram) that I put a new 250 gig sata drive in.


I have played around with varying software options, started off with anykeeper, but wasn't that keen on the software layout - and from reading the forum here I installed koditec (old firmware version) that I am very happy with. I love the timeline. I do however have a couple of items that I would like clarification upon.


At present I am running the system on 382x256 which is fine, but a bit blocky. Here is a link showing some footage of the other night of me putting the rubbish out - as you can see it is a bit pixelated.


http://www.astm23.dsl.pipex.com/cctv.zip (file size 4.6MB)


I would like to sharpen this and i have experimented with the larger resolutions - 756x512. However when I select the 756x512 option despite what I set the frame rate to, the system only records at about 3-4 frames per second and I also get interlacing issue on fast objects. There are only 2 cameras installed. When I checked the cpu utilisation on the cpu is shows circa 50% - has anyone got an idea on what could be the problem. I could really do with a middle resolutionof 640x480, but unfortunatley that is not available on the software. I have heard that these cameras do not suppport the higher resolutions, so obviously a lower resolution


Just one more annoyance is the no matter what I try I cannot get the system to view over the internet. LAN access is fine, I have confirgured port forwarding, disabled firewall, etc and can see the html page fine, but the image just won't feed. Activex has installed - but I just get an error image where the pic should be . It's driving me mad. I have enabled the guest account.


Thoughts and comment would be greatly appreciated.




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