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Can somebody show there CCTV setup

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Dear Forum members,


i ahve been reading about CCTV and have been studying it for a while. I have also installed a CCTV system (geovision) with my cousin. The thing is that the picture is clear its just that, you know when your trying to recieve a channel with one of those radio shack antennas... its is clear but liek u can see loops of red stuff, red looping things come..


so i wanted to see what other people have and compare to the one that my cousin and i have installed. i will aslo take screen shots of the setup and post it so forum members can see what i am talking about clearly.


but in the mean time does anybody have like a webcam setup up (geovision) so you can view online.


i just want to compare the video .. im not trying to be nosy or anythign



thanks a lot

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Look, you sound a bit unexperient on the subject.


I apologise, dont want to be rude.


you are being nosy, what do you want to achieve? a good signal.


1- verify if the radio shak stuf you have are paired eachother meaning that if they are meant to work as a pair.


2- environment, most times users opt to spot an area to spy then recieving the signal is a second thing. then you find out that you cannot recieve the good signal necessary and you blame the reciever not necessary the case.


3- Use proper tools to test your signal, what is it ? 2.4ghz or 2.1ghz?


4 -if you dont have those tools, then move to a diferent environment, Clear openspace room, flat outside field, not to close either. wireless systems dont like to be to close


5- if the kit doesnt have any manual frequency adjustments then i think you are screwed. in that case retun the kit and never think that you buy good stuf cheep.


I could carry on but in your shoes, time is money, even if your not doing it for the money, but hein! thing theres other things you can be doing...


Best of luck

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It's not nosy. Some dealers keep demo systems online for prospective customers to view. But I think there may be some confusion.


1. Are you using wireless cameras?

2. What type of cameras are they?

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GeoVision has their own Demo ..


Server name - GeoVision

User and Password - leave blank

IP Address - webcam.geovision.com.tw


Also view the recorded Videos on my home page.


You're problems are more than likely related to the Rat Shack cameras.


Always test the cameras directly on a CCTV Monitor (or even a TV) first before putting them in the DVR.

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not trying to be nosy ... all im trying to do is compare what im getting to other people that have the almost the same hardware. and i dont know if you guys read my whole post but... i dont have RAT shack cameras


i have 3 nuvico cameras and the other ones i got from cctv sp**ality


its just that they are not totally clean and crisp

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red lines thats a new one. Definitly post some pics because I am at a lost for that one.

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im sorry if you guys havent read my whole post


but no where i have mentioned wireless cameras. all of the cameras i used are hardwired back to the PC DVR system.


and for the red lines...um they are more like red oval loops when viewing it im gonna post some screen shots soon so you guys can see


give me a couple of days

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The thing is that the picture is clear its just that, you know when your trying to recieve a channel with one of those radio shack antennas... its is clear but liek u can see loops of red stuff, red looping things come..


When you said that, people thought you bought cameras from radioshack and you mentioned antenna so they thought they were wireless.


I think he's using an analogy, he's comparing his geo setup to an old rabbit ears tv setup.


Never seen red lines, loops can be a few things, some cameras i've come across dont work well with geo im not sure why, ground bnc maybe? But they loop on the screen, never to bad, but just enough to notice.


If you just save a quick video and post it some where, we can take a quick gander.

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Note that he didn't say he used wireless, just that it looked like it. What interferance patterns look like depend more on what is causing it rather then the method of transmission.


Second point. Keep it nice. If you can't post without forming a lather then don't post. Note that I have deleted one post from this thread already.

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the screen shots should be up by tonight or by tommorrow.... so this way you guys can see what i am talking about

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Did you plug any of the cameras directly into a CCTV Monitor or TV to check the video outside of the DVR?


What type of cable is used and how long are the lengths ..?

What kind of power suppies are used and what are the total Amps?



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Second point. Keep it nice. If you can't post without forming a lather then don't post. Note that I have deleted one post from this thread already.


I second that. Lighten up. Take it easy. And remember to explain ourselves in detail a little more. That way we dont misunderstand.

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Did you plug any of the cameras directly into a CCTV Monitor or TV to check the video outside of the DVR?


What type of cable is used and how long are the lengths ..?

What kind of power suppies are used and what are the total Amps?




rory we used

this wire



and for


power supply



the longest run we did was 50ft

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I'm a bit confused looking at the Reg. 9 Output DC Multiple Output Power Supply you linked to. I see that they use the same image for all of their regulated power supplies, with poor descriptions on the pages.


It may help if you link the specific cameras you purchased or scan and post the spec sheets that came with the cameras and power supply.


Just to clarify, are the red ovals on all of the cameras or just some of them? If just some of them, are they on just one brand of camera?

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alright pictures are in... to me this is bad quality


Camera: NVCC-HD http://www.nuvico.com/product_detail.asp?strCategoryCD=CC001&strModel=&prod_cd=NP0024&Page=1






Camera: http://www.cctvspecialty.com/coinhirebuca.html




Camera: NVCC-W28IR12N http://www.nuvico.com/product_detail.asp?strCategoryCD=CC001&strModel=OUTDOOR%20BULLET%20IR%20CAMERAS&prod_cd=NP0039&Page=1




Camera: http://www.cctvspecialty.com/1webucawsose.html



Camera: http://www.cctvspecialty.com/codoinwaca48.html



btw i am definately NOT buying from www.cctvspecialty.com again.


ok but see what i mean.... like in the pic u cant see the fuzzyneed but even though look how poor the quality is.. jagedy edges ...just poor..


is it that we are using wrong cabling? different way of crimping the BNC? making a proper BNC connection? to my best knowledge i know that if there is a problem it would have to be with the cabling/connectors


what do you guys think?

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Cant speak for the cameras or their focusing .. but the DVR looks like it just needs some tweaking ..



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Cant speak for the cameras or their focusing .. but the DVR looks like it just needs some tweaking ..




rory i need just a little bit of input ... what do you mean by tweaking?


by the way this is a Geovision 1240-8 240 Live / 240 Recording - 30 FPS each

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my keyboard has issues right now so cant type much ...


did you change the recording resolution?

Do you have it set to Deinterlace?

What codec are you using?

What version software is this?

Are the snapshots local or over the web?

What is the model of video card?

Motherboard, CPU, Chipset type ...?

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my keyboard has issues right now so cant type much ...


did you change the recording resolution?

Do you have it set to Deinterlace?

What codec are you using?

What version software is this?

Are the snapshots local or over the web?

What is the model of video card?

Motherboard, CPU, Chipset type ...?


1.) i think we did change the recording resolution

2.) i think Deinterlace is off because VGA could not support it

3.) codec -- dont know

4.) verison 8.0 geovision 1240-8 240/240

5.) snapshots are local

6.) video card is MSI RX9550 256mb 128 bit http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E16814127153


MB: Gigabyte http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E16813128008

CPU: Intel Core Duo 3.0 ghz

Cipset: for MB is North: Intel 865G South: Intel ICH5


i knew that geovision loves intel chipset so i got this board.

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