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PAL/NTSC to RBG ouput

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recently started using the LM1881 ic's.

This ic extracts sync-signals from composite video signal.

Things work fine!


Now, I'm looking for an ic that can extract R-, G-, B-signals from composite video ( video over 1 wire ).


Googled ( like 'pal to rgb encoder' etc ) but I only find RGB to PAL ic's etc...


Anyone who can give me a hint for an ic ( or schematic ) ?

Like to have the color signals seperated.


Kind regards!

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May I ask you, Why do you need it?


  CobaltBlue said:
Could this be an idea?


Again: I got the sync -signals allready!


One cvbs input will do too,as long there's RGB-out!

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recently started working on a 3d/stereo FPV setup.


3d FPV looks very expensive, so I briefly made some ideas.


During this I found following setup, and deicede to try that first:

This specific setup, uses 2 cam's ( PAL/NTSC ), a (small) microcontroleller and an ic (4066) for switching

analog ( PAL/NTSV) and a FPV transmitter. it actualtely switches (in sync) between 2 cams.

Here's the link:https://www.instructables.com/id/Lowcost-3d-Fpv-Camera-for-Android/

Both eyes see alternately the picture from right and left camera.

(Both eyes see the same picture at the same time!)


So far...



The goal is like this:




With a step forward, one could devide the colours, to get more 3d effect etc etc...


I will not go in details here.


The cam's wil be in sync (controlled by microcontroller ), this works fine.

The 4066 work fine, too.




( cvbs1 and cvbs2 could also be swithed, so only 1 "?" is needed. )


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Mmm...for he time being, I'll keep my design as it was.


This means: no colour seperation..


Just playing with the frames of both cam's.


Allready 've seen some tests, looks promising!


Kind regards!

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For those interested, here my project so far.


Actuately, it's functioning!


Both cams are synced by a microcontroller.

Same microcontroller thereafter controlls the signals to be combined

as 1 vidosignal.







Combined signal ( this goes into transmitter)







At receiverside, there's a free app, what extract A and B into picture for left-eye and right-eye

on you phone. ( the phone goes into a VR goggle with 2 lenzes )




Logicanalyzer plot:

( see burst, ODD/even and line )




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