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Dedicated Micros DS2 - add hard drive

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I need your help.


I have 2 dedicated micros cctv recorders (DS2).




On the 1st recorder I have 2 hard drives 80gb, total 160gb. I change one of the 80gb disks to one of 300gb and that's fine.


on the 2nd recorder I only have 1 300gb disk. when adding 1 80gb disc (from the other recorder) this recorder recognizes the disc but does not use it.


as you can see in the photos.


can you help me? Is it some factory block?




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Hi. First question is WHY.


That is close to 20 years old.


No support..... Very low image quality.......proprietary playback which can't be used now.


Time for a new one.

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1 ° is a recorder that works without any problem. I can view the images over the internet.


2nd was a device that cost 5000 €


3 ° with 10 € put a disc with greater capacity for a few more years


When I fail to buy another new recorder


Can someone help?

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Cost €5000 new ....... might of with cameras and fitting but recorder on its own was only €700 back then.


But it’s worth nothing now.


People do like to help ... but when something is that old ....and probably out of a skip


What are you using the recorder for ?


How will you get footage to police if you ever need to ?


Your willing to spend €10 on it ...... you would be better using that €10 and buy secondhand 960h recorder of eBay

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