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DVR Hard Drive Storage Issue

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I recently installed a Hikvision CCTV system with 5  5MP Turbo Varifocal Motorised Cameras, and a
DS-7208HUHI-K1 DVR with a Western Digital Purple 2TB Hard Drive 
Although the estimated recording time in days says 16 days, I noticed that It has actually recorded
46 days so far and used only about 5GBG of the 2T Hard Drive. 
What could be causing this discrepancy?

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Hi. Also with the ds7200s you have the option of h264 and 265 .....so your estimated days will increase to 32 from 16 .......less data.  So it might start to over right in next day or so.


5gb might not change ..... It will be what is left not what is used ...... Files are writen in 20mins sections 

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Thank you for your responses.

The manual said the at 5MP the camera could be set at 12.5 or 20 frames per second.
The cameras are currently set at 12.5 frames per second, motion detection is turned off 
and also, it is also set at h265.
I neglected to mention I formatted the hard drive also to no avail. 
I am wondering if changing the frame rate to 20 frames per second would make any 

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