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Typically when we say stand alone, we mean embedded unit such as RTOS and has front panel buttons, no keyboard or mouse.


So essentially the VideoIQ is a PC based system, and a very expensive one at that.


There is other software you can buy now, there are several companies writing intellegent digital systems now.








Some Open Source/Research:



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Wow, what a debate we have here! I am still not sure which is a better system. I used to think that it is more costly to use embedded systems but I was recently surprised by a recent bid exercise where the embedded solution was cheaper than the pc-based one. I supposed there would be high end and low end products for both types of systems, right?

But if we were to do an apple-to-apple comparison, i.e. matching each specs, could the embedded system be more costly?


Another question, what is XP embedded? Is this an embedded system or a PC-based one?

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I was following another discussion thread:




Very interesting but what a lot to take in, esp for a user like me. Not very familiar with the technicality as I am not into computers and stuff.


So, what does it mean for end users like me? Embedded or PC-Based?

So many factors to consider!

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XP embedded is an OS that is embedded on a chip ..

Its basically an installer customized version of XP ..

If you've ever used Nlite, its a similar idea.


There are cheap embedded units, and expensive ones, just cause they cost alot doesnt mean they are better though. Same with PC based. Apples and oranges .. PC based typically have more features and higher evidence sharing quality these days, and are easier (or moreso quicker) to replace parts on. Primary reason i made the switch over to the PC DVRs, but only the decent ones, because of parts and cost to import - PCs are duty free, video machines (eg. Embedded DVRs) cost alot of custom duty. I still love the embedded standalones (GE) but the high end user cost wasnt geting me any jobs.


If you dont know how to change a hard drive and install an OS though, its best to either sub that out, learn it, or use the Embedded units.


Also, note the age of this debate, since then both the Windows XP OS has come a long way, and cards like Geovision have improved greatly, not to mention the higher quality of their software now compared to a couple years back.


But note that you still cannot just dump a default XP system on a client, it needs to be setup and tweaked properly.

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Okay, basically, I do not tinkle with the DVR. I contract out the maintenance of the DVR and the entire CCTV system. So, the 'headache' is the maintenance contractors.


But still, it is up to me to specify or recommend what system is suitable for my company. With all these technical details which tends to confuse me, I am torn.


Are there permutations of Embedded systems like XP-embedded DVR? Is this a PC-based DVR or an embedded one??


Honestly, I would not be able to know if the vendor has quoted me the low end Embedded system or the high end one for that matter. This makes it tough when evaluating which system to take.


The reason for my interest in this subject is because I was recently queried by my management why I did not consider embedded DVRs and had opted for PC-based ones. My answers was basically that embedded DVRs are costlier.

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the DVR surveillance guide on the Aventura Technologies website has information about a comparison of pc based vs. embedded.


Well, I took the time to read the articles (6 pages)...........my hand is sore from holding the magnifying glass to read the really small print. And still at the end....I think I missed the point. Just my $$$ worth

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