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BlackVue dash cam problems

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Since iOS 13 update BlackVue dash cam have become useless on the apple platform and with the new iOS 13.1 the problem still remains. 

any comments if your using BlackVue devices 

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Here is a quick temp fix for BlackVue for iOS 13 and 13.1.


go to iPhone BlackVue app click top left then sign out of your device.

Then go to BlackVue cloud in the app

Then click my location (which is to right on the map)

The click use only while on app


and this will allow you to use till new BlackVue update

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BlackVue fell off my Recommended list when they restructured their subscription plan... and I've been using/recommending them since 2013. 



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BlackVue updated all there software for the units and remote view and server back in February and my units have never failed 

even using without power pack I get 16hrs of standby time using OBD connection 


subscription should only be a problem if your using more than I system on the same account. .... something like fleet management 

subscription of a single system account has always been free. 

blackvue.  Are still the leaders in dashcam 

yes they are a little more expensive than others ........ but if you take into account the units life time (4 to 5 years) and free software updates is better than buying new every year or two from other dashcam manufacturers 

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They don't have a family plan.  I have four vehicles between my wife, myself, and my three kids, and all of them have Blackvues.

My only option is their fleet plan, to the tune of $70/mo to cloud all four cameras.  That's in addition to what you pay for cellular connectivity in the vehicle itself, through whatever mobile provider you use.  Their "smart plan" would only cover 3/4 of the cameras, and cost me $30/month. 

They started out allowing up to three cameras on an individual plan, and you could add cameras with a simple one-time fee... and they didn't grandfather any of their customers with older plans. 

It was not a welcome change. 

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