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Old Qvis box move mistake, now no admin access, Anyone able to assist?

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Hi ive been using my trusty old qvis machine for so many years with no issues over the years but I had to move the qvis box and de power it for the first time in many years but when i went to re login it asks for the admin user and password 
When i enter nothing in the password box like i used to on all previous occasions it now says password is Null and eventually locks me out. It only offers number input options!

I beat the lockout by removing the battery so that it resets, I have tried many times and the password box only allows numbers and i hav tried many basics that ive seen on the interenet with no joy
It shows on the screen whatever todays real date is even when re booted without the battery but this could be because its connected to a network hub

I know its an old machine to you guys, but as the product has been so reliable ive not had to think about swapping it for a newer generation just yet, until maybe now if i cant get access back!
I have attached photos with all the information i found on the machine
Thanks PG and I look forward to all and any assistance




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