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American Dynamics / Sensormatic Problem - Tough one

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Hello everyone,


I recently bought a Digimux to add to my current system, it is a DVMR in American Dynamics clothing.


My current system is an ADDTE keyboard into an AD2150 matrix which sends AD Manchester code to a AD2083 RS-422 code distributor to 9 Sensormatic domes. The Digimux has a RS-485 output which they refer to as an AD422 simplex signal (2 wire). I can connect individual domes to the Digimux and control them, even over the Internet - the reason why I bought it.


I have tried to send the same signal into the AD2150 through the RS232 port in various settings, didn't work. If I were to convert the code to AD Manchester and use a code merger to the AD2083, I suppose that would work, but the hardware from Sennetech is way too much money. I am hoping for a simpler/inexpensive solution.


Is it possible to control all the domes, from the Digimux through the AD2150? What will happen if I connect the domes to both the Digimux and the AD2083 in parallel? Is there a converter to allow the Digimux code to be accepted by the AD2150 RS232 port?


Just a note, 5 of the domes each have a single RS-422 J-box, 4 are direct to the AD2083 code distributor- if it makes a difference.


Help me solve this, rewards are possible.


Thanks, Lou

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