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Sprite 2 Network Issues

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Can someone please help me.


For some reason I changed the network settings on my sprite 2, but now I cannot access it via my network.


No biggie....I thought...


Just do a reset on the unit as I didn't really do anything really custom to it.


Well DM told me there are NOT any master reset switches at all.


I don't have a monitor with a BNC input, so I cannot hook it up directly, and all my tv's that have S-Video are on the other side of the house, and trying to lug a 52" tv into a server room...well....that is not going to happen either.


Can anyone help?




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Unless its critical that you keep recording, I would just unplug the sprite and take it to the tv, sort it out, then take it back and plug back in.

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Unless its critical that you keep recording, I would just unplug the sprite and take it to the tv, sort it out, then take it back and plug back in.


Well I did the next best thing.


Went and bought a $19.99 tv from RadioShack, then bot a SVideo to RCA adapter for $21.99 and was able to hook the small TV from there.


Then got it sorted out.


In the end that was a good buy...I can use it with a few adapters to setup more cameras etc without having to carry my laptop or needing anyone else to see how it all looks.


Thanks for the advice....


BTW - taking the DVR out of the rack is the most annoying thing....

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BTW - taking the DVR out of the rack is the most annoying thing....



Went and bought a $19.99 tv from RadioShack, then bot a SVideo to RCA adapter for $21.99 and was able to hook the small TV from there.


I figured the $20 TV vs. $22 SVHS adapter would be pretty dang annoying.

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thats a cheap TV .. darn ..

What type was it? Cheapest I can get down here is the 13" Color TV and thats like $160

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thats a cheap TV .. darn ..

What type was it? Cheapest I can get down here is the 13" Color TV and thats like $160


Here is the link for the TV.




Then I just got got a BNC to Coax adapter, then a coax to 1/8 inch adapter:




and I can connect any bnc camera to this little tv and carry it around with me when setting up other cameras etc.


Works real nice and is only about $40 total in the end for everything.




If you have issues getting this in your little paradise, PM me and I can send one to you.


BTW - I just used the svideo cable and adapter to hook it up to the llittle tv, changed back the settings that I changed before and everything works find now.


Thanks DTT

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