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Lorex Operating System / Firmware

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The operating system on my Lorex DVR appears to be corrupt and won't get past the welcome screen on startup. Am I right in thinking that the OS is installed on the circuit board of the DVR and not the hard drive, and is it possible to re-install the OS/firmware from a USB stick?

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15 minutes ago, JonHC said:

The operating system on my Lorex DVR appears to be corrupt and won't get past the welcome screen on startup. Am I right in thinking that the OS is installed on the circuit board of the DVR and not the hard drive, and is it possible to re-install the OS/firmware from a USB stick?

Hi. Yes you’re right it’s on the board …. And the only way to reinstall is the send your unit back Dahua will not send you the operating software

have you checked the cooling fan ? Some early dahua units would not startup if fan does not start … also check your power supply

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Thanks for the response! The power supply was the original problem. I noticed the fan wasn't running on the DVR, the camera previews were blank, and they all said no disk in the corner. After a bit of troubleshooting, I replaced the power supply and it all started working again. I had to shut it down again to re position the DVR and when I started it up, it got stuck on the welcome screen and it won't go any further. I can see a small led on the circuit board flashing away as if it's trying to do something, but after a few minutes, it just reboots and continues this cycle, so I'm stumped! There's no support on the Lorex website for the model I have either, so I can't get any help there.

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On 1/27/2023 at 12:04 AM, JonHC said:

Thanks for the response! The power supply was the original problem. I noticed the fan wasn't running on the DVR, the camera previews were blank, and they all said no disk in the corner. After a bit of troubleshooting, I replaced the power supply and it all started working assignment programming. I had to shut it down again to re position the DVR and when I started it up, it got stuck on the welcome screen and it won't go any further. I can see a small led on the circuit board flashing away as if it's trying to do something, but after a few minutes, it just reboots and continues this cycle, so I'm stumped! There's no support on the Lorex website for the model I have either, so I can't get any help there.

So did it help you? I got pretty similar issue..and searching for answers too

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No, unfortunately not. I didn't get anywhere with it, so I've just ordered a new DVR from ANNKE. It was only £54 with no hard drive as I'll be using the hard drive from my Lorex.

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The best operating system for a DVR depends on the specific needs and requirements of the user. However, many users prefer to use Linux-based operating systems for their DVRs due to their stability, security, and flexibility. Some popular Linux-based operating systems for DVRs include Zoneminder, MotionEyeOS, and Shinobi. These operating systems are free and open-source, and offer a range of features. For computers, the best operating system is Windows. A license can be bought cheaply using reddit windows keys. By paying a little money, you will get all the benefits developed by Microsoft.

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No, sadly this is not the case. I have recently placed an order for a new DVR with ANNKE because I was unable to make any progress with it. Because I will be utilizing the hard drive from my Lorex, the price was only £54 and it did not include a hard disk.  basketball stars

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From my experience, DVR systems often have the operating system installed directly on the circuit board, separate from the hard drive. Reinstalling the OS or firmware from a USB stick is typically possible and can sometimes resolve such startup problems.

Make sure to check the manufacturer's website for specific instructions or firmware downloads. They usually provide detailed steps on how to create a bootable USB with the necessary files. It's a bit technical, but following their guidance step-by-step should help get your Lorex DVR up and running smoothly again.


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On 7/9/2024 at 1:31 PM, MikeBrooklyn said:

From my experience, DVR systems often have the operating system installed directly on the circuit board, separate from the hard drive. Reinstalling the OS or firmware from a USB stick is typically possible and can sometimes resolve such startup problems.

Make sure to check the manufacturer's website for specific instructions or firmware downloads. They usually provide detailed steps on how to create a bootable USB with the necessary files. It's a bit technical, but following their guidance step-by-step should help get your Lorex DVR up and running smoothly again.


For more insights, you might want to explore operatingsystems.info, where others might have shared similar experiences or troubleshooting tips. Best of luck fixing your DVR!

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