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Lorex System Short Comings?

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Hi Guys & Gals,
I have a Lorex system installed now for a couple years and seems that either it's lacking some basic features or I'm not totally up on it's operations. I've talked to the folks at Lorex and most of them are hard to understand and they tell me the system does not have these features which seem basic. I have 12 camera's, the are Model E892DD and my DVR is a Model N862A6 1) It does not have a long recording save time, just a few days, I suppose a larger hard drive would remedy this. Seems that 30 days would be nice. Any idea of how hard the hard drive should be? Maybe part of this issue is because I am recording all the time versus just when an episode? 2) I would have thought that I could somehow get a notification when there was some movement in a specific area? 3) When in playback mode, it's very hard to look say every 30 or 60 seconds, It jumps too far forward or backwards. I have a system at my job that allows you to "stretch" the time bar to get a more finite look at playback. 4) One of my camera's constantly goes out, I have to unplug the DVR and plug it back in. When home easy to do, but when away from home and I want to view from the road.....I'm SOL. Lastly, I can't always view from my laptop when away from home, it just won't load all the time. They tell me I need a stronger connection but it also happens when I'm home on my laptop when on the home network. Would a new DRV give me the features I'm lacking? On another note....if someone could help me with these settings during a phone call while I have it up, I'd be happy to paypal you for your time. Thanks Bobby

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Hi. Your problem is … it’s a lorex (dahua) not very good software for on screen or remote viewing 

mate you using the fusion software ???

are you on iP cameras or analog and were are you based

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